IV – 11/27/2012

Riley once again played the part of the devil as we finished up Paradise Lost today. Make sure you get the notes from a classmate. Ben, you missed the entire unit. Riley has an old video that you can watch, BUT MAKE SURE YOU GET THE NOTES FROM A CLASSMATE.

We ended the day with Satan’s Letter to his Girlfriend – you can find the letter in LMS in the Hell folder and then clock on the Paradise Lost folder.

Does it make sense now why Riley used the flames for this folder?

III – 11/27/2012

We finished the Raisin in the Sun discussion board questions today – make sure you respond to at least one other classmate’s opinions.

We read and discussed Langston Hughes’ poem “A Dream Deferred” (make sure you read this!) and then we read the Shmoop “Why Care” about A Raisin in the Sun.

We looked at demographic information, talked about white flight, and watched the video in Without Sanctuary. Lastly, we reviewed some of the Jim Crow laws that used to be in effect in the US.


IV – 11/26/2012

Get ready for the hardest thing you’ll ever read. Worse than Shakespeare! Harder than a stereo manual! Even more difficult than trying to file your taxes! It’s John Milton and Paradise Lost!

Make sure that you get the notes from the background information from a classmate for the John Milton background and the first 75 lines.

Big ideas to remember: free will, pride, invocation, topic statement, epic, Adam and Eve, inversion, run ons

If God is all powerful and all good, how is it that evil exists?


IV – 11/16/2012

We updated the Seven Deadly Sins today for a new topic of your choice. It could be the Seven Deadly Sins of Vistas, the Seven Deadly Sins of Halo, the Seven Deadly Sins of a relationship, or the Seven Deadly Sins of WHATEVER you want (as long as it’s school appropriate).

After you come up with your seven sins, make sure you have an explanation of why it’s a sin. It doesn’t have to super long – just good.

Then, you choose how you want to present the material: a PowerPoint, a Photostory, a Prezi, a Glagster, a poster, a pie chart, or something else.

IV – 11/14/2012

We read Psalm 23 today – make sure that you get the notes from another student.

Afterwards, we listened/read Gangsta’s Paradise and did the foldable – Folding Venn Diagram. You are are going to compare/contrast Psalm 23 with Gangsta’s Paradise. Make sure you have three differences and three similarities. Print, cut, and fold and turn in to Riley.

We read the Prodigal Son (copy/paste the definition of prodigal into your copy of the text). Get the notes from another classmate. We can easily see the difference between the Bible as Literature and theology with this story.

Riley then explained that tomorrow, we are writing a parable to explain/prove a maxim or a proverb. She has a list of proverbs to choose from, and you need to find a proverb that you like/find insightful, and explain it (in the drop box entitled Maxim for Modern Day Parable).