IV – 11/16/2012

We updated the Seven Deadly Sins today for a new topic of your choice. It could be the Seven Deadly Sins of Vistas, the Seven Deadly Sins of Halo, the Seven Deadly Sins of a relationship, or the Seven Deadly Sins of WHATEVER you want (as long as it’s school appropriate).

After you come up with your seven sins, make sure you have an explanation of why it’s a sin. It doesn’t have to super long – just good.

Then, you choose how you want to present the material: a PowerPoint, a Photostory, a Prezi, a Glagster, a poster, a pie chart, or something else.


Progress reports came out today, and if you have leveled to a Cabin Boy, you got a share of the booty. Also, if you were passing on the progress report, you were given the chance to choose a SUPER POWER! Remember – The Riley giveth and the Riley taketh away.

After all that noise, we worked on the Beowulf Metaphorical Reponse in LMS. It’s a Word document, and if you look at the Hamlet example, it can show you what she is looking for. Also, check out the rubric to see how she is grading it.

HINT: Choose inanimate objects to be your symbol rather than animals. Also, make sure you aren’t choosing other like objects – a metaphor is a comparison between two UNLIKE things. Beowulf and a frog. Mrs. Ekster and a stick of butter. Vistas High School Program and a watermelon.

Make sure that you have two quotes from Beowulf!

We will finish this tomorrow. 🙂