IV – 11/27/2012

Riley once again played the part of the devil as we finished up Paradise Lost today. Make sure you get the notes from a classmate. Ben, you missed the entire unit. Riley has an old video that you can watch, BUT MAKE SURE YOU GET THE NOTES FROM A CLASSMATE.

We ended the day with Satan’s Letter to his Girlfriend – you can find the letter in LMS in the Hell folder and then clock on the Paradise Lost folder.

Does it make sense now why Riley used the flames for this folder?


Today, we finished Paradise Lost (again, if you read Shmoop, you only need to read to the bullet about the Read Sea). If you missed this information, please make sure that you still get the notes/highlighting from another student.

Afterwards, we did the assignment in LMS entitled “Satan’s Letter to his Girlfriend.” You can characterize Satan however you like, but you need to make sure that you answer the questions accurately from the story of Paradise Lost. There is a drop box for this in LMS when you are done!

Hugs and kisses!