
Today, we read level 2, level 3, and level 4.

Remember that we watched videos about cars getting swept up in tornadoes, Scrooge McDuck, and even a clip of the tv show Hoarders (to show what people living in garbage looks like). I also threatened people with my mini-Cerberus! Three heads means he can bite people even more than a normal one-headed dog! Grrrr!

I will have a substitute on Thursday, so I’m cramming the information in today and tomorrow so that you can just have a quiet work day on Thursday with the sub.

As far as game play is concerned, during this research project, if you are working on the project, it won’t cost you any gold to listen to your headphones. Yes, I am a generous game mistress!


Some helpful links:

  • A link that has been really helpful for me is TV Tropes. This is a webpage that takes devices, conventions, themes, or ideas that are used in pop culture.

First, go to the webpage and enter your search term in the top left hand corner. You will need to use BROAD terms, not specific.

tropes search

Then, you’ll get a few search result. Look at them and find the most general and broad one that fits your topic.

tropes results

When you get to the webpage, the examples will be further down the list. You’ll have options to choose from: television shows, real life, musicals, movies, comic books, manga/anime. MAKE SURE YOU DON’T PLAGIARIZE FROM THIS RESOURCE.

  • If you need to look up a character’s name (from a movie or tv show), look up the show in Wikipedia since you are blocked from IMDB.
  • Some search terms that might help you:
    • example of…
    • modern day…
    • cartoon character who are…
    • list of…
    • celebrities who are…
    • Choosing good search terms is essential when researching online. If you choose something that is too specific or too broad, you won’t find what you are looking for. If you are stuck, try changing your search terms. For example, you won’t find examples of “virtuous pagan” (It’ll just send you to summaries of Limbo), but if you good “good pre-Christian”, list of pre-Christians”, or even “cartoon characters who are cavement.”
  • 2013 Films, 2012 Films, 2011 Films, 2010 films, 2009 films, (you can search for any year by replacing the year you WANT in the link), list of Disney movies, or a list of cartoons.

I am going to repeat these helpful hints each day for the rest of this week. I hope that at least one person finds them useful.


I am SO glad to see everyone today. Gladis, I missed you. I wanted to see your blonde hair! I hope everyone stayed safe and dry over the last week. We have a tentative make up schedule starting next week.

Welcome to Hell! Well, not really, But we are working with Dante’s Inferno this week and next week. This will take us the next two weeks and we will be doing a major grade called the Minos Project along with it. We are using The Virtual Tour of Hell, so we aren’t reading the poem directly.

As we read, we are answering the reading guide questions. Please do this, because this will help keep you from plagiarizing from the website when you do the Minos Project.

We talked about how Dante’s was an “old-school” Catholic, and that this story is his own design. It’s an allegory,  so this story is meant to be symbolic – a scared straight story to get people to act how Dante thinks they should act.

If you missed today, make sure you read the Dark Wood of Error, and Limbo and get those questions. If you still don’t understand what is going on, talk to me after class and I’ll get you straightened out. :) You also need to get the template for the Minos Project.

We also talked about The Minos Project today. Do a little bit each day – do not try to get this entire thing done in two days – it won’t happen. Make sure that you use the template that I provided for you in Google Drive. It’s there for a reason!

Make sure you don’t plagiarize. You won’t be able to pass if you copy from the webpage. Look at the student examples for assistance.

Remember – if you need help finding a person for a certain level, don’t be afraid to ask me for a person. If I give you a person, and you USE that person, it will only deduct (two) points off of your final grade of 150 points. Even if I were to give you every single person to use, you could still pass the assignment!

Try to think of creative examples that no one else is using!


The directions, examples, and a template are in Blackboard. This will be due on May 6th.


Some helpful links:

  • A link that has been really helpful for me is TV Tropes. This is a webpage that takes devices, conventions, themes, or ideas that are used in pop culture.

First, go to the webpage and enter your search term in the top left hand corner. You will need to use BROAD terms, not specific.

tropes search

Then, you’ll get a few search result. Look at them and find the most general and broad one that fits your topic.

tropes results

When you get to the webpage, the examples will be further down the list. You’ll have options to choose from: television shows, real life, musicals, movies, comic books, manga/anime. MAKE SURE YOU DON’T PLAGIARIZE FROM THIS RESOURCE.

  • If you need to look up a character’s name (from a movie or tv show), look up the show in Wikipedia since you are blocked from IMDB.
  • Some search terms that might help you:
    • example of…
    • modern day…
    • cartoon character who are…
    • list of…
    • celebrities who are…
    • Choosing good search terms is essential when researching online. If you choose something that is too specific or too broad, you won’t find what you are looking for. If you are stuck, try changing your search terms. For example, you won’t find examples of “virtuous pagan” (It’ll just send you to summaries of Limbo), but if you good “good pre-Christian”, list of pre-Christians”, or even “cartoon characters who are cavement.”
  • 2013 Films, 2012 Films, 2011 Films, 2010 films, 2009 films, (you can search for any year by replacing the year you WANT in the link), list of Disney movies, or a list of cartoons.

I am going to repeat these helpful hints each day for the rest of this week. I hope that at least one person finds them useful.


We started our journey into Level 8 (fraud) today. Generally speaking, we are going to interpret fraud as being fake.

We went through 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, and 8.5 today.

8.1 – a panderer PROVIDES the sin; like a pimp. A lustful person just loses control; a seducer manipulates people.

8.2 are the suck ups. They give insincere compliments to get something. For example, let’s say that I really, really, really want new desks for my classroom (hint, hint, Mrs. Ekster!) and so after Vistas Visits, let’s I went up to Mrs. E. and told her that this was the BEST VV EVER and that I asked her for a copy of her PowerPoint because I wanted to share with with my students because it was so great. It WASN’T great – I just wanted to suck up to make her like me SO THAT I’D GET MY DESKS!

8.3 are the simoniacs. This is where Dante placed priests who took get out of Hell free cards (think the Pardoner from the Canterbury Tales), but for the purposes of the Minos Project, you can use a corrupt priest/pastor.

8.4 are the fortune tellers.

8.5 are the corrupt politicians.


Just think: next year, Cinco de Mayo will fall on “Taco Tuesday” – it’ll be the perfect storm!

I love the excuse to celebrate and dress up! 🙂

Today, we continued our journey into Hell – we read and took notes about Levels 3 and 4.

Level 3:Gluttons

Gluttons overeat and over drink. Don’t confuse GLUTTONS with GLUTEN. Gluten is found in wheat.

Level 4: Hoarders

Hoarders save money – they are greedy. Wasters WASTE money, duh.

Minos Project

The directions, examples, and a template are in Blackboard. This will be due on May 16th.


Have I mentioned that I want you to use my template? Don’t just start your own PowerPoint.

Helpful Links and Research Tips

Some helpful links:

  • A link that has been really helpful for me is TV Tropes. This is a webpage that takes devices, conventions, themes, or ideas that are used in pop culture.

First, go to the webpage and enter your search term in the top left hand corner. You will need to use BROAD terms, not specific.

tropes search

Then, you’ll get a few search result. Look at them and find the most general and broad one that fits your topic.

tropes results

When you get to the webpage, the examples will be further down the list. You’ll have options to choose from: television shows, real life, musicals, movies, comic books, manga/anime. MAKE SURE YOU DON’T PLAGIARIZE FROM THIS RESOURCE.

  • If you need to look up a character’s name (from a movie or tv show), look up the show in Wikipedia since you are blocked from IMDB.
  • Some search terms that might help you:
    • example of…
    • modern day…
    • cartoon character who are…
    • list of…
    • celebrities who are…
    • Choosing good search terms is essential when researching online. If you choose something that is too specific or too broad, you won’t find what you are looking for. If you are stuck, try changing your search terms. For example, you won’t find examples of “virtuous pagan” (It’ll just send you to summaries of Limbo), but if you good “good pre-Christian”, list of pre-Christians”, or even “cartoon characters who are cavement.”
  • 2013 Films, 2012 Films, 2011 Films, 2010 films, 2009 films, (you can search for any year by replacing the year you WANT in the link), list of Disney movies, or a list of cartoons.

I am going to repeat these helpful hints each day for the rest of this week. I hope that at least one person finds them useful.


Happy Cinco de Mayo!

Today, we started Dante’s Inferno. This will take us the next two weeks and we will be doing a major grade called the Minos Project along with it. We are using The Virtual Tour of Hell, so we aren’t reading the poem directly.

As we read, we are answering the reading guide questions. Please do this, because this will help keep you from plagiarizing from the website when you do the Minos Project.

We talked about how Dante’s was an “old-school” Catholic, and that this story is his own design. It’s an allegory,  so this story is meant to be symbolic – a scared straight story to get people to act how Dante thinks they should act.

If you missed today, make sure you read the Dark Wood of Error,  Limbo, and Level 2 (Lustful) and get those questions. If you still don’t understand what is going on, talk to me after class and I’ll get you straightened out. :)

We also talked about The Minos Project today. Do a little bit each day – do not try to get this entire thing done in two days – it won’t happen. Make sure that you use the template that I provided for you in Blackboard. It’s there for a reason.

Make sure you don’t plagiarize. You won’t be able to pass if you copy from the webpage. Look at the student examples for assistance.

Remember – if you need help finding a person for a certain level, don’t be afraid to ask me for a person. If I give you a person, and you USE that person, it will only deduct (two) points off of your final grade of 150 points. Even if I were to give you every single person to use, you could still pass the assignment!

Try to think of creative examples that no one else is using!

Minos Project

The directions, examples, and a template are in Blackboard. This will be due on May 16th.

Helpful Links and Research Tips

Some helpful links:

  • A link that has been really helpful for me is TV Tropes. This is a webpage that takes devices, conventions, themes, or ideas that are used in pop culture.

First, go to the webpage and enter your search term in the top left hand corner. You will need to use BROAD terms, not specific.

tropes search

Then, you’ll get a few search result. Look at them and find the most general and broad one that fits your topic.

tropes results

When you get to the webpage, the examples will be further down the list. You’ll have options to choose from: television shows, real life, musicals, movies, comic books, manga/anime. MAKE SURE YOU DON’T PLAGIARIZE FROM THIS RESOURCE.

  • If you need to look up a character’s name (from a movie or tv show), look up the show in Wikipedia since you are blocked from IMDB.
  • Some search terms that might help you:
    • example of…
    • modern day…
    • cartoon character who are…
    • list of…
    • celebrities who are…
    • Choosing good search terms is essential when researching online. If you choose something that is too specific or too broad, you won’t find what you are looking for. If you are stuck, try changing your search terms. For example, you won’t find examples of “virtuous pagan” (It’ll just send you to summaries of Limbo), but if you good “good pre-Christian”, list of pre-Christians”, or even “cartoon characters who are cavement.”
  • 2013 Films, 2012 Films, 2011 Films, 2010 films, 2009 films, (you can search for any year by replacing the year you WANT in the link), list of Disney movies, or a list of cartoons.

I am going to repeat these helpful hints each day for the rest of this week. I hope that at least one person finds them useful.


Today we read levels 5,6, and 7! If you missed today, please, please, PLEASE make sure that you talk with me about the details of the reading. If you don’t, you’ll end up misinterpreting the story.

We moved from incontinence to violence today, and so the sins and the punishments are getting worse.

Here are the links that we used today in class:

  • Heretic
  • Blasphemy
  • Piss Christ
  • Western Sky Commercial:
  • The infamous Western Sky commercial that plays during the day on various television channels. If you receive a $5000 loan, you pay 84 monthly payments of $486.58, the total amounting to $40,872 (116.73% APR). If you receive a $10,000 loan, you’ll be paying 84 monthly payments of $743.49, and $62,453 in total (89.68% APR).
  • Western Sky Webpage

I’ve had to change my plans this week because of the field trip tomorrow, so instead of reading level 8, we will work on the Minos Project and read about 8 and 9 on Friday. We will still have all of next week to work on Minos, so please don’t freak out thinking that it’s due THIS Friday.


Welcome to Hell! Well, not really, But we are working with Dante’s Inferno this week and next week.

Today, we we introduced to the topic and we talked about Dante the author and Dante the character. While we read, we answered study guide questions. The reason we are doing these questions is so when we work on our project, we won’t be tempted to plagiarize (accidentally or intentionally).

Today, we got through The Dark Wood, Limbo, Lustful, and the Gluttonous.



Probablly the coolest thing that happened today was when I was explaining the Harrowing of Hell, Ms. Dunlap came to get Tanner for an early release. Perfect timing! Ms. Dunlap had no idea why we were taking a picture of her, but she was really happy to oblige.

We also talked about the project today. Make sure that you use the template that I provided for you in LMS. It’s there for a reason.

Make sure you don’t plagiarize. You won’t be able to pass if you copy from the webpage. Look at the student examples for assistance.

Remember – if you need help finding a person for a certain level, don’t be afraid to ask me for a person. If I give you a person, and you USE that person, it will only deduct (two) points off of your final grade of 150 points. Even if I were to give you every single person to use, you could still pass the assignment!

Try to think of creative examples that no one else is using!


Today, we wandered through Level 8 of the Inferno.

Riley discussed the next few weeks with us:

  • Friday the 18th is the deadline for students who are clapping out. If you are not passing by this time, you will not clap out. We will still do work after this date. This is not the end of the semester. This is just a deadline for a clap out video.
  • Wednesday the 23rd is the Reading Final. It is also the day when laptops will be collected. Move all of your work to your N:Drive before this date so you will be able to access your work.
  • Thursday the 24th is Senior Finals for 2nd and 3rd Block. I do not have the schedule for this yet. As soon as I know, you will know. Check my board.
  • Friday the 25th is clap out. No finals today. IF YOU ARE TAKING MY BLOCK 1 FINAL on Tuesday the 29th, DO NOT SKIP THE FINAL. Clap out is NOT Graduation. You have not earned credit for the class until after the final.
  • Tuesday the 29th – All students will take Block 1 Finals. 1/2 day
  • Wednesday the 30th – Block 2 Final
  • Thursday the 31st – Block 3 Final