
Welcome back from Thanksgiving!

Glad you’re here!

Today, we talked about sin and how the word didn’t start as a religious term. It started out as an archery term that meant you “missed the mark” or “missed the target”.

Take construction paper and fold it, leaving about an inch on the side for your title.

Example Sin Foldable

Title each tab as a sin and then write your information inside the flap. You will need the following information for each sin:

sin foldableThe best web page to use is this one. Make sure that you actually CLICK the sin to read about it -it’s a link. You are not making up the associated color or animal – they are already there in the webpage for you.

The Contrary Virtue is the OPPOSITE of what you should do if you are avoiding that particular sin. Look for the CONTRARY VIRTUES and read the paragraph about the Contrary Virtues in order to find the information.

IV – 11/16/2012

We updated the Seven Deadly Sins today for a new topic of your choice. It could be the Seven Deadly Sins of Vistas, the Seven Deadly Sins of Halo, the Seven Deadly Sins of a relationship, or the Seven Deadly Sins of WHATEVER you want (as long as it’s school appropriate).

After you come up with your seven sins, make sure you have an explanation of why it’s a sin. It doesn’t have to super long – just good.

Then, you choose how you want to present the material: a PowerPoint, a Photostory, a Prezi, a Glagster, a poster, a pie chart, or something else.