III – 9/24/2012

We finished the 30-15-10 chart. Remember, find the speech in IE and use the search function to find roots, prefixes, and suffixes.

We then prepared to write our own persuasive speech  by writing a thesis.

Then, we used SIRS to find three article that support our thesis, and three articles that oppose our thesis. Print them to OneNote and annnotate important information. WE are going to start to write our speech tomorrow.

IV – 9/24/2012

Today, we finished our quilts. We finished the name patch and included the following information on the name patch:

  • Would you work with your partner again?
  • What did you learn from this that was new information?
  • What did you already know?
  • What do you still have a question over?

Then, we took a quiz. It was 15 question and open partner, open quilt, and open book.

AFterwards, Riley explained the extra credit Scavenger Hunt that will be due October 22nd.

III – 9/21/2012

Today, we worked with the 3-2-1 Organizer.

We found three quotes from the speech that show pathos, three quotes that show logos, and one quote that shows ethos. Use your pyramids to help you. You don’t need to explain the quotes – just find them.

Turn that in, and then work on the 30-15-10. There is a list in LMS that you’ll need to use. You will find 10 words that have prefixes in the speech, find ten words that use suffixes in the speech, and find ten words that use roots words.

A few notes:

  • Don’t confuse root words with BASE words.
  • Find the speech online and you can use the search feature to find words. WAY, WAY, EASIER.
  • Simple, simple!

IV – 9/20/2012

Today, we worked on our squares. For each topic, we listed four KEY WORDS, then explained what each key word meant in a SENTENCE, and then drew a PICTURE on the top flap.

Key Words and Sentences

Pictures on the outside

This is an activity where you need to focus on your work and make sure that you are staying task.

If you need help, Captain Riley has help cards for you. Just don’t skip reading the section, because then you won’t be able to explain what those words mean.

III – 9/20/2012

Today, we finished the grievance that we started yesterday. If you lost your paperwork, you can print it out from LMS. Remember – just the facts, and be specific!

We then looked over the Declaration of Independence, which is the list of grievances that the American colonists had with England.

Riley then gave us a windoe pane over the Speech in the Virginian Convention.

Then, we read and annotated the speech together. Riley “acted” it out, lying prostrate on the floor. Carol went prostrate on the floor when Admiral Ekster boarded the ship. Good job, Carol!

IV – 9/19/2012

We finished the Venn Diagram for Beowulf and the 13th Warrior. Think of the MOST IMPORTANT similarities and MORE IMPORTANT DIFFERENCES.

Then, we paired up with a partner and made 6 quilt patches. – 12 in total. Label them according to the PowerPoint that was projected. We only had one person absent today, and Riley made your quilt squares today.

We had some free time at the end of class, so Riley GRACIOUSLY allowed the class to work on the Rolling Stone Interview, even though most people didn’t.

People not making wise decisions with their time make Riley a sad pirate.

We started with the I’m Good… And Bad short answer response. Make sure you ACE the question: What would Ben Franklin think about you? Make sure that you answer this in two parts – how Franklin would think that you are BAD and how Franklin would think that you are GOOD.

Look at Riley’s example.


ANSWER the question.

CITE the proof – use a quote from Franklin.

EXPLAIN and prove your answer.

After that, we created a list of ways you have been treated unfairly. Shoot for five ways that you have been WRONGED.

We then started to “file” a formal grievance. We will finish this tomorrow.