IV – 9/19/2012

We finished the Venn Diagram for Beowulf and the 13th Warrior. Think of the MOST IMPORTANT similarities and MORE IMPORTANT DIFFERENCES.

Then, we paired up with a partner and made 6 quilt patches. – 12 in total. Label them according to the PowerPoint that was projected. We only had one person absent today, and Riley made your quilt squares today.

We had some free time at the end of class, so Riley GRACIOUSLY allowed the class to work on the Rolling Stone Interview, even though most people didn’t.

People not making wise decisions with their time make Riley a sad pirate.

We started with the I’m Good… And Bad short answer response. Make sure you ACE the question: What would Ben Franklin think about you? Make sure that you answer this in two parts – how Franklin would think that you are BAD and how Franklin would think that you are GOOD.

Look at Riley’s example.


ANSWER the question.

CITE the proof – use a quote from Franklin.

EXPLAIN and prove your answer.

After that, we created a list of ways you have been treated unfairly. Shoot for five ways that you have been WRONGED.

We then started to “file” a formal grievance. We will finish this tomorrow.

III – 9/18/2012

Today, we did the Ethos, Pathos, Logos pyramid. There is a template in LMS that you can download in fill in. Make sure you that rotate the text in each triangle so taht it faces the hypothenuse. Make sure that you give a definition, a picture, and an example for the pyramind. If you need help with the example, use either the pizza persuasion that you wrote the other day, or the examples in the “Persuasion Techniquess” document.

After that, we werote Franklin’s Ten Virtues as Fulgrum would have written them – simply so that a kindergartner would understand.