
So, what’s the deal with this whole “experience points”, you ask?

Ok, It’s pretty simple. I am using the same category weighting system (this means that major assignments and writing assignments will all still count more than dinky daily grades). I am just assigning points instead of averages. So that means if there have been a total of 50 assigned, and you have 45 points. you have an average of a 90.

However, there will be an average of 1500* points in this class, so if at the end of the term, you still only have 45 points, your average will be a 3. As in three.

The reason I am doing it this way is so that you don’t get content with a 70. Too many times, students get 70’s and then stagnate, thinking that they have it all taken care of, when in reality they are just going to colect zeros and lower their grade.

Do you have any questions about this grading scale? Ask away! Help me make it better!


Well, today we tried on chain mail. Not chain mail like as in e-mail chain mail, but the armor that the Anglo-Saxons used to wear. Riley took pictures of us wearing it and everything!

After that, we did a “magnet card” over chain mail. We had to write chain mail in the center of the index card, then use four other words to helpd describe chain mail. On the back of the card, we then used all five of the words to write a sentence (or two) to define what chain mail is.

We then talked about what EPIC means. We sneezed over epic fails or epic wins. The captain talked about her friend and the cherrybomb (M-80)! LOLOLOLOL.

Then we read about what an epic was from the textbook. Yawn. I remembered doing that in 9th grade with the Odyssey, but to be honest, I don’t remember anything about an epic. Let’s see if this sticks with me.

Then we watched The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny. AWESOME! Then we had to respond to Riley’s blog post about what made it epic. I had to use the information from the textbook to help me complete it. Just have IE and OneNote up at the same time.

We closed class with a little dude (That Riley STOLE from Pair – leave it to a pirate to steal!) You had to think of your own epic hero and fill out a little diagram about him/her. Pretty easy, but just make sure that you place and object in the hand of your epic hero/heroine.

And here comes Tuesday!