
Lil’ Juan here again. Riley really needs to get someone else to do the duties of the scribe, because it’s really hard to write when you don’t have fingers. You *have* seen me, right?

Anyway, second day of school. Here we go!

So far, Riley has been pretty good sharing her “nuggets” with us. She writes them on the board and talks about them.

We talked about how the nature and demeanors were really archetypes and that we have to be like chameleons and change our demeanors depending on our audience. For example, Riley isn’t a Jester *all* the time. Sometimes she has to change to the Critic (or even the Director) when she is at school.

She made sure that we knew the difference between Nature and Demeanor – we did! Give us an A!

Oh. And she also gave us another word to own: innuendo. Hont for tomorrow – she’ll talk about the difference between innuenedo and double entendre. She goofed up a little today. See! Teachers make mistakes too!

She then started our roleplaying adventure. She read a small story about how our character was going through a rough time and somehow ended up signing articles with a pirate ship.

In any case, we are on the pirate ship and we had to go read her Rules of 8, which we found on this blog, and then we answered two questions:

1. Do we agree to follow the articles of this ship? And

2. If you were going to have a problem with any of the rules, which rule would it be and why?

And that was pretty much it for the day.

Tomorrow we are going to be sneezing and wearing sunscreen. Yeah. Bring a tissue. 🙂