
So, what’s the deal with this whole “experience points”, you ask?

Ok, It’s pretty simple. I am using the same category weighting system (this means that major assignments and writing assignments will all still count more than dinky daily grades). I am just assigning points instead of averages. So that means if there have been a total of 50 assigned, and you have 45 points. you have an average of a 90.

However, there will be an average of 1500* points in this class, so if at the end of the term, you still only have 45 points, your average will be a 3. As in three.

The reason I am doing it this way is so that you don’t get content with a 70. Too many times, students get 70’s and then stagnate, thinking that they have it all taken care of, when in reality they are just going to colect zeros and lower their grade.

Do you have any questions about this grading scale? Ask away! Help me make it better!