
Ahoy mateys! It’s the first day of classes, so at this point, I’ll (Lil’ Juan) will be the Scribe for the day.

It was a pretty good first day. Riley explained that she isn’t running her classroom like a normal teacher: she’s running it like a role playing game.

This means that we won’t be getting grades – we’ll be getting experience points. We’ll also be leveling – we all start out at level zero and have the opportunity to work our way up to level 15!

So, she gave us all a character sheet and we have to fill it out. First, we determined our nature and demeanor. Nature is who we really are, and demeanor is what we project to the outside world. For example, Riley’s demeanor at school with students is that of a Jester, but her nature is really an Architect.

Then we moved on the concept. This is a baseline idea of what you want your character to be. Here are a few examples the Captain gave us: Grabe Grabber, Vistas Viking, ADHD, Deep Thinker, Quiet Watcher, etc.

Then we looked at our abilities. Choose you strongest one (Physical, Social, or Mental). Your strongest area gets seven points to distribute. Your middle abilities gets five dots, and your weakest area gets three dots. You may want to ask a crew member for clarification on this.

Then rate yourself in your skills. These are the things that the Captain will be teaching us this year. There isn’t a point limit on these – just rate yourself what you think you are.

Skip down to the R’s. You only have ten points to distribute here.

This is where we ended today. We didn’t finish the character sheet like she had wanted, but she’s ok with that. We weren’t slacking.

All of the files that Riley used are in LMS – if you need them, you can go download them.