
Riley gave out XP today! A few things to remember – when you turn work in, turn your work in the BROWN BOX near the door. She isn’t going to go digging in your folder to find your work before she grades it.

Turn Work in Here

Make sure that if you have any questions, concerns, or grade changes, send Riley a message in Edmodo. That gets sent directly to her phone via text message, so she won’t lose or forget that.

As far as the game is concerned, we are on our way to meet the epic King, Beowulf. We are all prepared. We have chain mail and we know how the bards will speak to us. All we have to do is write our introductions!
We are going to use Where I’m From as a model and write our own Where I’m From poem. She gave us 20 minutes to brainstorm and write our first draft. She did assure us that we would have time to finish the rough draft tomorrow.
Back to the game. We were walking down to meet the king when all of a sudden, a young punk kid trips Captain Riley. She made people roll to see if they lost COMPOSURE and attacked the kid. Sadly, in every class, we have people who lost control of themselves and attacked the kid.
His parents came up and demanded WERGILD. Wergild was needed because it was so violent back then and kept people from feuding.
Riley then made us create skits that demonstrated wergild. First block was the only crew that made it through! 2nd block didn’t even get to it, and 3rd block got halfway through.


OMG. Captain Riley really lost it today.

We learned that the Anglo-Saxon bards “talk funny” because they used alliteration, caesuras, and kennings. What are those, you ask?

Well, that’s what we learned today. We started out by doing a scavenger hunt with pictures. We each had a picture that focused around a letter  and had to find all the words that started with that letter. For example, if you had the letter P, you had to find as many P words as you could.

Then, we used that letter and wrote one sentence with at least ten words that started with that letter. For example, if you had P, you had to write a sentence that had at least ten P words in it. This is alliteration!

Then we did caesuras. We heard the song The Breaks read out loud, and then we heard the song. We answered two questions on Socrative about the song:

1. What was the biggest difference between reading the lyrics out loud and when you heard them in the actual song?
2. How is this song (The Breaks) a good example to demonstrate caesuras?
Last but not least, we opened up the kennings file and gave nicknames to ten objects. Teh easiest way to remember kenning is that is (normally) a compound nickname. Mrs. Ekster’s kenning would be a “back patter”.
Also, people fixed their Edmodo cell phone settings, talked about XP, and checked Gradespeed.
If anyone has a file of Riley dancing, upload it to Edmodo! 🙂


So, what’s the deal with this whole “experience points”, you ask?

Ok, It’s pretty simple. I am using the same category weighting system (this means that major assignments and writing assignments will all still count more than dinky daily grades). I am just assigning points instead of averages. So that means if there have been a total of 50 assigned, and you have 45 points. you have an average of a 90.

However, there will be an average of 1500* points in this class, so if at the end of the term, you still only have 45 points, your average will be a 3. As in three.

The reason I am doing it this way is so that you don’t get content with a 70. Too many times, students get 70’s and then stagnate, thinking that they have it all taken care of, when in reality they are just going to colect zeros and lower their grade.

Do you have any questions about this grading scale? Ask away! Help me make it better!


Well, today we tried on chain mail. Not chain mail like as in e-mail chain mail, but the armor that the Anglo-Saxons used to wear. Riley took pictures of us wearing it and everything!

After that, we did a “magnet card” over chain mail. We had to write chain mail in the center of the index card, then use four other words to helpd describe chain mail. On the back of the card, we then used all five of the words to write a sentence (or two) to define what chain mail is.

We then talked about what EPIC means. We sneezed over epic fails or epic wins. The captain talked about her friend and the cherrybomb (M-80)! LOLOLOLOL.

Then we read about what an epic was from the textbook. Yawn. I remembered doing that in 9th grade with the Odyssey, but to be honest, I don’t remember anything about an epic. Let’s see if this sticks with me.

Then we watched The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny. AWESOME! Then we had to respond to Riley’s blog post about what made it epic. I had to use the information from the textbook to help me complete it. Just have IE and OneNote up at the same time.

We closed class with a little dude (That Riley STOLE from Pair – leave it to a pirate to steal!) You had to think of your own epic hero and fill out a little diagram about him/her. Pretty easy, but just make sure that you place and object in the hand of your epic hero/heroine.

And here comes Tuesday!


Friday! Yay!

We started out class with a map of the British Isles. Color and label England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, and Northern Ireland. Easy.

We finished our group recon work, and then we taught each other what our pictures meant. If you were absent, either get someone to teach you the information, or read it on your own. 🙂

We sneezed about flowers. Any thing about flowers.

We then did a word storm about Anglo-Saxon words. You can get the word storm sheet from Cap’n Riley.

Week 1 down. 8 more to go!


It’s Peanut Butter Jelly Time!

As we were traveling, a dragon attacked our ship and damaged it. We need to scout around and see what the people are like who live here. No engaging the natives – this is a research mission. Who are these people? What do they believe? What are they like?

Basically, we did group work. If you weren’t here, go to the Beowulf folder and read over the Anglo-Saxon history. 🙂


We created Edmodo accounts today. You’ll need to make sure that you get the group code from Captain Riley before you actually start using it. Then, we posted the best piece of advice we’ve ever gotten.

We listened to Desiderata (in LMS) and then we watched Wear Sunscreen.

We then sneezed about advice.

Then Captain Riley shared advice with us from her former students. We then sneezed about that. Two sneezes in one day – I think I’m having an allergice reaction!

Finally, we took a sentence from Desiderata: With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world.

We then rewrote that on an index card using different topics. Here is Grant’s:

With all of the scurvy, sea sickness, and swashbucking, the pirate’s life is for me!

Here is Kasey’s:

With all of it’s malice, disorder, and malcontent, America is still a beautiful place.

See? Easy peasy. And with that, you are done for the day!


Lil’ Juan here again. Riley really needs to get someone else to do the duties of the scribe, because it’s really hard to write when you don’t have fingers. You *have* seen me, right?

Anyway, second day of school. Here we go!

So far, Riley has been pretty good sharing her “nuggets” with us. She writes them on the board and talks about them.

We talked about how the nature and demeanors were really archetypes and that we have to be like chameleons and change our demeanors depending on our audience. For example, Riley isn’t a Jester *all* the time. Sometimes she has to change to the Critic (or even the Director) when she is at school.

She made sure that we knew the difference between Nature and Demeanor – we did! Give us an A!

Oh. And she also gave us another word to own: innuendo. Hont for tomorrow – she’ll talk about the difference between innuenedo and double entendre. She goofed up a little today. See! Teachers make mistakes too!

She then started our roleplaying adventure. She read a small story about how our character was going through a rough time and somehow ended up signing articles with a pirate ship.

In any case, we are on the pirate ship and we had to go read her Rules of 8, which we found on this blog, and then we answered two questions:

1. Do we agree to follow the articles of this ship? And

2. If you were going to have a problem with any of the rules, which rule would it be and why?

And that was pretty much it for the day.

Tomorrow we are going to be sneezing and wearing sunscreen. Yeah. Bring a tissue. 🙂


Ahoy mateys! It’s the first day of classes, so at this point, I’ll (Lil’ Juan) will be the Scribe for the day.

It was a pretty good first day. Riley explained that she isn’t running her classroom like a normal teacher: she’s running it like a role playing game.

This means that we won’t be getting grades – we’ll be getting experience points. We’ll also be leveling – we all start out at level zero and have the opportunity to work our way up to level 15!

So, she gave us all a character sheet and we have to fill it out. First, we determined our nature and demeanor. Nature is who we really are, and demeanor is what we project to the outside world. For example, Riley’s demeanor at school with students is that of a Jester, but her nature is really an Architect.

Then we moved on the concept. This is a baseline idea of what you want your character to be. Here are a few examples the Captain gave us: Grabe Grabber, Vistas Viking, ADHD, Deep Thinker, Quiet Watcher, etc.

Then we looked at our abilities. Choose you strongest one (Physical, Social, or Mental). Your strongest area gets seven points to distribute. Your middle abilities gets five dots, and your weakest area gets three dots. You may want to ask a crew member for clarification on this.

Then rate yourself in your skills. These are the things that the Captain will be teaching us this year. There isn’t a point limit on these – just rate yourself what you think you are.

Skip down to the R’s. You only have ten points to distribute here.

This is where we ended today. We didn’t finish the character sheet like she had wanted, but she’s ok with that. We weren’t slacking.

All of the files that Riley used are in LMS – if you need them, you can go download them.