8/28/13 – B

One good thing about this class is that we are the ONLY IVB class in Vistas, so that means we aren’t going to be trying to keep pace with another class. We can work at our OWN pace.

Today, we watched the trailer for The BucketList – you seemed really interested in this movie. I may have to go ahead and show this when we get to a stopping point.

Then, we talked about what we’d do if we only had 48 hours left to live – what would you regret if you found out the doctor was WRONG!?!

We watched and talked about the Buried Life on MTV and then created our OWN bucket list on www.bucketlist.org. Remember that this is not an account where I can access/change your username/password, so you’ll have to keep track of this. I’ll need ten significant items by next Friday. Make sure you follow me so that I can see your list. 🙂

WE looked at Death and the Devil Surprising Two Maidens today and answered the discussion questions in BB. You guys had some great thoughts and comments. Death and the Devil Surprising Two WomenYou all seemed to really understand the relevance of this topic and seemed eager to approach it.

Lastly, I gave you time to finish your Bucket List Prewriting. If you get stuck thinking of things for your Bucket List, go back to these questions and see if you can find items that can help you accomplish the goals in this pre-writing. You can do it either as a Word doc or just as a message.

8/27/13 – B

cc2Ahoy! Today, we started out with Creative Coloring and did a discussion board discussing group work. I LOVED my picture, which is currently in the hallway. 🙂creative coloring

After that, we did a show and tell of sorts with adjectives. WE each each chose two words (from a list) that describes us and we gave a short explanation of WHY we chose those words.

Lastly, we started working on the BucketList Prewriting. You can find this in BB in the Carpe Diem unit in the Bucketlist folder.

If you don’t finish the prewriting today, there will be some time tomorrow to finish it. 🙂


Hooray! Friday!

We started out today by watching the trailer for The Buried Life – Riley has the book in case you want to borrow ideas for your own BucketList.

Then, we used our obituaries and created a word cloud with Tagxedo.

AHOY – Here are the step-by-step instructions.

  • Click create.
  • Click the little arrow next to fonts and click USE LOCAL FONTS
  • Click Load
  • Copy and paste your Obituary text
  • Hit submit

Then, make it pretty.

You can choose the theme – which is the colors.

Change the shape by clicking – SHAPE

Play with the options – make it pretty!

When you get it just like you like it, save it.

Save it as a 4 MP jpg.

Then, go to the Carpe Diem folder in LMS and download the diorama. Replace my word cloud with YOUR word cloud, answer the three questions, and change the color of the sides to match your word cloud. Drop this off in the drop box. I’ll print in color and make the foldable for you!

Then, you download the #Carpe Diem #YOLO item in LMS. Make sure you do this Firefox or Chrome – if you use IE, you can’t open the file. This is dealing with hash tags on Twitter. #cool

A hash tag is something that help search engines in Twitter and Instagram. All of the things in that file are tweets that I found that generally have #carpe_diem or #yolo. Click the little white arrow so you can select things.

Using your mouse, drag the tweets to the hashtag you think they belong to. If you think a tweet is YOLO, drag it #yolo line.

Save, and turn in.

The last thing we did was the blog post Carpe Diem Closure. Make sure you COPY your answer before you hit submit, otherwise, you run the risk of losing all that you have written.

Carpe Diem Closure

Today marks the end of carpe diem for us! For this wrap-up assignment, I want you to choose three of the following questions to answer. Make sure that you use complete sentences and explain yourself fully – remember GIGO!

There is no need to copy/paste the prompt in the comment box – just restate the question when you compose your answer.

Before you hit submit, make sure you copy (CTL+C) your answer in case the CAPTCHA tricks you.

  • What is the difference between Carpe Diem and YOLO?
  • Which one is most realistic?
  • Why does YOLO get a bad reputation?
  • Reflect upon the Post-It note from last week – is your post-it note Carpe Diem or YOLO?
  • What are your thoughts about carpe diem?
  • Is carpe diem a realistic way to live your lives? Why or why not?

As always, if I ask you to do something, I do it as well. Here are my three responses:

I think YOLO gets a bad reputation because most people use it to justify reckless actions that they might later regret. Carpe diem is more about living with no regrets. To me, YOLO is counterproductive to carpe diem, since most times people use #YOLO for something that will bring them shame and embarrassment tomorrow.

I think carpe diem is realistic to an extent. You can only seize so much in a day, and you need to expect that you will be around tomorrow. I don’t think wasting your entire paycheck in one night is representative of carpe diem, because you will end up suffering more in the long run. To me, carpe diem is more like the e-mail that we read in class – don’t save your perfume for special occasions – each day we are here is special!

My post-it note is definitely carpe diem rather than YOLO. I don’t want to do anything crazy, and while there are lots of things on my Bucket List that I’d like to accomplish before I die, I’d rather spend my time with family and friends rather than going out trying to drive motorcycles and dancing.


Today is a pretty easy day – we are creating our own Bucketlist. Remember last week, we created an account at BucketList? Well, we are using that site to create our OWN BucketList.

I’m giving you an option – you can just create your BucketList for 15 points, OR, you can earn up to 30 points if you create a digital poster/presentation. You can use the media of your choice:

The key here is that is s media file – hence the nugget for Media Literacy today. Just make sure that you drop the link or file off in the drop box.

You *have* to have your Obituary completed in order to do the activity tomorrow. Make sure it’s in!


Riley talked about a few things today – namely, grades and final exam exemptions.

If you are in 11th grade (Felipe, Selena, Matt), you will take your final exams in the following order:

Block 1 – June 4th

Block 2 – June 5th

Block 3 – June 6th

If you are in 12th grade, you will have to take your finals EARLY, so you will take your finals in this order:

Block 2 – June 3rd

Block 3 – June 3rd

Block 1 – June 4th

Regarding exemptions, this is NOT a TAKS tested subject, so you will need to make at least an 80 and have good attendance in the class in order to exempt.

Now, regarding what we did in class today –

We listened to Time by Pink Floyd and answered the ten questions in LMS about it. The first three questions will require a quote, but the last few don’t. Don’t stress. You can answer the questions in order you desire – you can go backwards.

Make sure you use complete sentences and answer the questions fully and appropriately.

When you are done, work on your obituary!


Today, we approach the first major grade of English IVB: The Obituary.

There are instructions in LMS, but I want to stress a few things – this is NOT about how you die, this is about how you LIVED your life. I’m going to look and see if your obituary exemplifies the concept of carpe diem. So don’t just focus on what you did in your life in high school – you haven’t been able to live your life to the fullest yet.

Also, I am requiring that you be old – at least 80. I don’t want to get the heebie jeebies this.

I have written my own, and it is up in LMS as an example for you to use as a model, but I’m going to be honest – the MOST helpful item that I used when writing my own obit was the Blog of Death. There are really fascinating obits in there that you can use as good models. Remember, modeling is where you use the sentence structure, not the ideas.

We will have a little time in class on Monday to finish this and it will be due on Tuesday, April 9th.

Also, most of your grades have been updated in Gradespeed. Keep up the great work!


Phew! I sure wish that there was ONE day when all of my students show up for school!

We started out today by answering some questions over Death and Devil Surprising Two Maidens in LMS.

After that, we worked on a foldable translating the source for Carpe Diem. It’s a PowerPoint in LMS called Tower Translation.

You will read the four sentences, and then translate each sentence in your own thought. Add some clip art.

Make sure you have a clip art! You may need to resize the font. Then cut thusly:

And then fold/glue.

And lastly, we download the Carpe Diem poems into OneNote.

Today, we read To The Virgins, To Make Much of Time. Make sure that you get the notes here:

Gradespeed is still down, so these are the following grades that are in the grade book (or, they WILL be):

  • Character Sheet – 10 pts
  • Creative Coloring – 20 pts
  • What You Heard – 10 pts
  • Adjectives – 20 pts
  • Post-It Note – 10 points
  • Pre-Writing – 20 points
  • Death and the Devil – 20 pts
  • Carpe Diem Tower – 20 pts

IV – 11/5/2012

Riley forced us to listen to Time by Pink Floyd. It’s a LONG song – it’s not the radio edited version. There is a reason for this – make sure you listen to all of it, even the parts that seem meaningless. There is a meaning for all ot, and it all relates to CARPE DIEM.

When you answer the questions, make sure you answer them fully. Don’t just skim through them and rush throughthe questions. Historically, people who do that don’t score well on the test. Don’t skip a question – that automatically kills your grade.

You can listen to the song as many times as you want when you take the test and use the lyrics to help you answer the test. You can use whatever you need (OneNote, song, lyrics) on the test.

IV – 11/2/2012

Today, Riley creeped us all out by playing Marvin Gaye’s “Let Get It On”. There is a Discussion Board in LMS with questions for you to answer. Make sure you answer all of them – just hit Post New Reply.

We then read “To His Coy Mistress” – get the annotations from someone else in class who write them all down.

We also read “To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time” – get the annotations from someone else in class who write them all down.

We finished the day by doing the syllogisim – there are instructions for that in LMS. I’ll give you a hint: Sentence #1 starts with IF… Sentence #2 starts with BUT, and sentence #3 starts with THEREFORE.

Make sure that you keep the paper product and you drop off the digital file.