
20140401_091849Today was pretty easy day workwise, but we did a lot of thinking (and goal setting!)

We started out the day by watching the trailer for The Bucket List. Then, on a Post-It note, and placed it by the door. You don’t need to put your name on it, but remember – you only have 48 hours – there are some things that you WON’T be able to do because you are limited by time.

20140401_091839Then, we watched the trailer for the Buried Life, and checked out the book they wrote called What Do You Want to Do Before You Die?. Some of the items are funny, but many were meaningful and powerful.

Then, we did the BucketList Prewriting – answer the questions as thoughtfully as possible, but don’t worry about writing in complete sentences. This is supposed to help you later when we write our BucketList.

After that, we looked at my Bucket List account on BucketList.org. We talked about how some of them were funny, some of them were weird, and some of them were meaningful to ME, but not to them.

We created a BucketList account of our own, and then created a list of at least ten significant items that we wanted to do before we died. Try to make them significant and individual. You can have a few typical ones in there, but I want you to really think about things that YOU want to do, not just things that sound cool that you’d never heard of before going to this webpage. If you get stuck, go check out your pre-writing – the two should align.

When you are done, drop the link off in the discussion board and check out the bucketlists of your peers.


Remember that you can exempt the final exam for this class in January! English IV is not associated with a TAKS/EOC, so your exemption is based on your absences, tardies, and average. Make sure you have an 80!

We started off today by doing the Bucket List Pre-Writing Questions. You can find this in the Carpe Diem folder and then click on the Bucket List learning module. You can do these questions in a Word document or in the comments section. As always, if I ask you to do something, I do it myself. Here are my answers:

  • If you had a year left to live, what would you do, who would you take with you…? I think that I’d spend most of my time in Texas still with my husband. I’m a homebody. I’d want to spend my time with my husband and my family.
  • If you won the lottery, where would you go what would you do…? Man. I think I’d pay off my off my mortgage, car loans, and then save the rest for retirement. I don’t think I’d go too crazy. I’m pretty conservative with money.
  • What did you always want to do when you were a child…? It changed all the time. A veterinarian (I liked animals), an architect (I liked designing fantastic houses), an artist (I fancied myself talented), or an actress (Still one of my loves!).
  • If you were on your deathbed, what would you most regret not having done…? Not getting more politically active, not being aggressive enough. Not showing up at the office of my representatives to make them look me in the eyes to see just who they really represent. I’m an architect, remember? I want to change the world!
  • If you had an upcoming high school reunion, what would you like to be able to tell your former classmates you’ve accomplished. I’d just want to be able to be more awesome than them. I’m not competitive, but I wasn’t a fan of the people in my high school.
  • What do you need to have more of in your life. Time.
  • Who do you admire and why…? I admire my husband. He left everything in his country to come here, not knowing what would happen. I’m too much of a scaredy cat. I used to think it was lame for students to say their boyfriend for this question, but I just put my husband. Guess I’m a little hypocritical. But, what’s interesting is that I WOULDN’T have written my ex-husband down, even when we were married!
  • Your sitting with your grandchildren on your lap and telling them about your travels, what stories are you telling them…? How I made a difference. This is kinda a moot point for me since I won’t be having grandchildren, but whatever.
  • You’ve died and are listening to your eulogy, what are your friends and loved ones saying about you. That I was quirky, made a difference, and that I was a good person.
  • If a Genie granted your 3 wishes, what would you ask for…? Happiness. I think that’s all I really want. But for the other two wishes, I think maybe I’d ask for my father to understand me, and financial independence.
  • What do you want to Be, Do or Have…? I want to be a good wife. I want to be a good teacher. I want to be a good person. I don’t want to be a jerk. I want to make a difference. I want to live a simple life with simple pleasures. I don’t want drama.
  • Where do you want to go…? I want to move out of the US one day. Right now, I want to move to New Zealand or some progressive country like Norway or Denmark.
  • Who do you want to spend your time with in your life, negative people or positive people that you like, trust, respect and that make you happy…? This is a no-brainer. I want to spend more with James, Sean and Tara, Jamie, Melinda and David, the Smith brothers, and other people who give good conversation. 🙂

After that, we watched the trailer for The Bucket List. We talked about how a bucket list should include meaningful and significant events -it’s not a to-do list or Santa’s wishlist. We looked at my bucket list (I’ve had this for years now!) and created our OWN bucket list accounts. We also watched my skydiving experience! You can tell I’m terrified because I’m just repeating everything the videographer says. Also, if anyone makes fun of my silly little helmet, that’s just mean. Add ten significant items to your list and then copy/paste the URL of your list to the message board in the Bucket List learning module.


And that’s it for today!

XP Awarded

  • Bucket List Pre-Writing
  • Bucket List

8/27/13 – B

cc2Ahoy! Today, we started out with Creative Coloring and did a discussion board discussing group work. I LOVED my picture, which is currently in the hallway. 🙂creative coloring

After that, we did a show and tell of sorts with adjectives. WE each each chose two words (from a list) that describes us and we gave a short explanation of WHY we chose those words.

Lastly, we started working on the BucketList Prewriting. You can find this in BB in the Carpe Diem unit in the Bucketlist folder.

If you don’t finish the prewriting today, there will be some time tomorrow to finish it. 🙂