Carpe Diem Closure

Today marks the end of carpe diem for us! For this wrap-up assignment, I want you to choose three of the following questions to answer. Make sure that you use complete sentences and explain yourself fully – remember GIGO!

There is no need to copy/paste the prompt in the comment box – just restate the question when you compose your answer.

Before you hit submit, make sure you copy (CTL+C) your answer in case the CAPTCHA tricks you.

  • What is the difference between Carpe Diem and YOLO?
  • Which one is most realistic?
  • Why does YOLO get a bad reputation?
  • Reflect upon the Post-It note from last week – is your post-it note Carpe Diem or YOLO?
  • What are your thoughts about carpe diem?
  • Is carpe diem a realistic way to live your lives? Why or why not?

As always, if I ask you to do something, I do it as well. Here are my three responses:

I think YOLO gets a bad reputation because most people use it to justify reckless actions that they might later regret. Carpe diem is more about living with no regrets. To me, YOLO is counterproductive to carpe diem, since most times people use #YOLO for something that will bring them shame and embarrassment tomorrow.

I think carpe diem is realistic to an extent. You can only seize so much in a day, and you need to expect that you will be around tomorrow. I don’t think wasting your entire paycheck in one night is representative of carpe diem, because you will end up suffering more in the long run. To me, carpe diem is more like the e-mail that we read in class – don’t save your perfume for special occasions – each day we are here is special!

My post-it note is definitely carpe diem rather than YOLO. I don’t want to do anything crazy, and while there are lots of things on my Bucket List that I’d like to accomplish before I die, I’d rather spend my time with family and friends rather than going out trying to drive motorcycles and dancing.

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17 thoughts on “Carpe Diem Closure

  1. the difference between Carpe Deiem an yolo… Carpe Deiem is about not wasting time..and yolo is you only live once so do something stupid.

    Carpe deiem is more realistic.

    yolo gets a bad reputation because it really is stupid an people do alot of dumb things.

  2. #1 the difference between Carpe Diem AND #YOLO is that Carpe Diem is saying that you need to do something that is worth living for and #YOLO has regrets.
    #2 I say that Carpe Diem is way more realistic because it pushes you to do something positive with you life but #YOLO will make you think that you have to do every stupd thing in the world before you die.
    #3 #YOLO has a bad reputation because everything that everyone does is crazy and they think everything is YOLO like if you go to the club and have a drink for the first time… #YOLO.

  3. 1. The difference bettween Carpe Diem and YOLO is usaually with yolo there doing something stupid and reckless and with carpe diem is possitive and worthwhile

    2. YOLO gets a bad reputaition becaouse its usally some stupid kid doing something destructive or careless

    3.My thaughts on carpe diem is that it is great and i think that you should live your life to the fullest and try to reach your goals

  4. 1) Carpe Diem is telling you to go make something of your life and “seize the day”, while yolo is telling you to go out and do something dumb because that’s what makes life worth living and to live with no regrets.

    3) Yolo gets a bad reputation from all the swag hipsters that go out into clubs and do illegal things just to try to prove something.

    6) Carpe Diem is definietly a way to lead your life, I think everyone should try to make the most out of their lives and try to make a difference. I believe that everyone should try to live their lives to the fullest.

  5. 1. To me YOLO just gives you an excuse to do stupid stuff, Carpe Diem is like don’t live life without regrets.
    2. YOLO gets a bad reputation because people will do reckless things and claim it to be “YOLO” when really it is just doing something stupid.
    3. I think Carpe Diem is more realistic.

  6. YOLO gets a bad reputation because people feel like YOLO means they can act stupid and do childish things without any consequences because they are just “living life”
    •My post it note is Carpe Diem because my plan for my life was a long term goal and i needed to take everyday to my advantage
    •It’s good to live by this motto “carpe diem” because it reminds you to take every opprotunity

  7. Carpe Diem is more of doing something that you want to do before you die. Yolo is doing something crazy or something you wouldnt normally do.
    I think Carpe Diem is more realistic because it’s more of a bucket list of things that you plan on doing at one point.
    Yolo gets a bad name because people like to go outside the box and do something that they would most likely regret.

  8. Reflect upon the Post-It note from last week – is your post-it note Carpe Diem or YOLO? I had both, the main ones from my post-it note are Carpe Diem. I want to spend more time with my family. But then again for YOLO I want to swim with sharks, ride bulls, go pet wolves, go sky diving, go cliff jumping, and more.
    What are your thoughts about carpe diem? I like it, it’s good to live every once in a while. Sometimes all you need to do is to seize the day. But that’s not what life’s about.
    Is carpe diem a realistic way to live your lives? Why or why not? Sometimes it’s fun, sometimes it’s the way to live. But not all the time, it’s just not reality. I mean yea live a little, do some fun things, do sieze the day, but not 24/7. You still have to be responsible, every day life, things you need to do.

  9. No I would not have regretted having done anything on the post-it if I only had 48 hours to live. I wouldn’t do anything that I would regret, anything that would be harmful.

  10. 1. Carpe Diem and YOLO are different because, carpe diem talks about seizing the day why wait for tomorrow. Do it while you are young. YOLO means if you know a bad outcome will be the answer but you still want to have fun you only live once so just do it. YOLO is more reckless.
    2. YOLO gets a bad reputation because, people tend to do stupid things and get introuble for it. their response for why they did it is YOLO.
    3. My thoughts on Carpe Diem is that you should do everything you want while you can because, you never know when you last day will arrive.

  11. What is the difference between Carpe Diem and YOLO?
    Carpe Diem means seize the day and to me I think that means to live your day as it were your last and treat people well and be productive don’t let the day defeat you, take control. On the other hand YOLO to me is doing something goofy or foolish for example if someone dares me to run around naked in the mall YOLO. I think carpe diem is the more mature statement.
    Why does YOLO get a bad reputation?
    I think YOLO gets a bad reputation because people use it as an excuse for their foolish actions. I also think because the word is overused and many people don’t use it in the appropriate manner or setting.
    Is carpe diem a realistic way to live your lives? Why or why not?
    Carpe Diem to me is a very realistic way to live your life because it keeps your day interesting and also keeps you from being a couch potato. Since we started the Carpe diem unit I have already been making changes and am using this method as a guide. It helps me make better decisions and treat people different and everyday make peace with my life therefore if I were to die today I wouldn’t regret anything.

  12. The difference between Carpe Diem and Yolo is that Yolo is more of a f’ it lets just do it thing, more of a spare of the moment. Carpe Diem is living life as if you’re going to die soon, living with no regrets, seize the day.
    YOLO gets a bad reputation because of how its portrayed to show being reckless and not caring. YOLO is more of something that causes regrets because of the carelessness.
    My post-it note is most certainly Carpe Diem because I’m not going to regret spending time with my family and friends as I would if I would have wrote something to do with YOLO such as stealing cars or spending my pay check in one night. You never know if you are going to get to live till the next day.

  13. Pingback: 4/12/2013 | Pride o' Riley

  14. 1. The difference between carpe diem and YOLO, carpe diem is more like enjoying life as if it were your last, on the other hand YOLO is just an excuse for people to do dumb things and you just make yourself look bad.
    2. Carpe diem is more realistic, gives you an oppotunity to live your life to the fullest and enjoy doing what you love most, and if you were to die tomorrow you’ll be happy.
    3. YOLO gets a bad reputation because people go out their ways to prove others that they are “cool” by doing dumb stuff and it just makes people look like idiots.

  15. Carpe Diem is more realistic and descent because it means to live life fullest. It is understandable because everybody tries to make the best of everyday or some people realize they need to make time worth it. Even though YOLO is known more now and day by teenagers Carpe Diem is more realistic and well known back in the day too.
    Yolo has a bad reputation because of teenagers how they use it. Teenagers or some people see it as do everything that you havent done or like do stuff because you probably not gonna live to do it later. So like it has a bad reputation because people do negative stuff like drugs, drinking, and other illegal stuff.
    My thoughts about Carpe Diem are that I agree with I mean I dont think about it all the time. Actually I really never think about or use it as a sentence. But in my life I always try to make the best of my day because is beter late never to make your day worth it and amaizing.

  16. •What is the difference between Carpe Diem and YOLO? Carpe Diem means that time isnt given to you. You got to go out an take the day by force. YOLO means that do something you havent done before and having fun with random things in your life.

    •Which one is most realistic? YOLO because in my life i aleays do random things just to enjoy my friends, family, an I.

    •What are your thoughts about carpe diem? they are good and all but as for me i try to do all i can to appiciate everything I do in each day, so im thankful.

  17. The difference between carpe diem and yolo is that carpe diem is a way of living and knowing that you have to live like is your last day on earth and yolo is just an excuse to do unmature thing.carpe diam is a away of living because it shows that you never know when is your last day in earth so you have to live your live to the fullest. carpe diam is the thing tha motivates me on going on and doing smart thing and good decision because you know you have appriciate life .

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