Carpe Diem Closure

Today marks the end of carpe diem for us! For this wrap-up assignment, I want you to choose three of the following questions to answer. Make sure that you use complete sentences and explain yourself fully – remember GIGO!

There is no need to copy/paste the prompt in the comment box – just restate the question when you compose your answer.

Before you hit submit, make sure you copy (CTL+C) your answer in case the CAPTCHA tricks you.

  • What is the difference between Carpe Diem and YOLO?
  • Which one is most realistic?
  • Why does YOLO get a bad reputation?
  • Reflect upon the Post-It note from last week – is your post-it note Carpe Diem or YOLO?
  • What are your thoughts about carpe diem?
  • Is carpe diem a realistic way to live your lives? Why or why not?

As always, if I ask you to do something, I do it as well. Here are my three responses:

I think YOLO gets a bad reputation because most people use it to justify reckless actions that they might later regret. Carpe diem is more about living with no regrets. To me, YOLO is counterproductive to carpe diem, since most times people use #YOLO for something that will bring them shame and embarrassment tomorrow.

I think carpe diem is realistic to an extent. You can only seize so much in a day, and you need to expect that you will be around tomorrow. I don’t think wasting your entire paycheck in one night is representative of carpe diem, because you will end up suffering more in the long run. To me, carpe diem is more like the e-mail that we read in class – don’t save your perfume for special occasions – each day we are here is special!

My post-it note is definitely carpe diem rather than YOLO. I don’t want to do anything crazy, and while there are lots of things on my Bucket List that I’d like to accomplish before I die, I’d rather spend my time with family and friends rather than going out trying to drive motorcycles and dancing.