
Today, we wandered through Level 8 of the Inferno.

Riley discussed the next few weeks with us:

  • Friday the 18th is the deadline for students who are clapping out. If you are not passing by this time, you will not clap out. We will still do work after this date. This is not the end of the semester. This is just a deadline for a clap out video.
  • Wednesday the 23rd is the Reading Final. It is also the day when laptops will be collected. Move all of your work to your N:Drive before this date so you will be able to access your work.
  • Thursday the 24th is Senior Finals for 2nd and 3rd Block. I do not have the schedule for this yet. As soon as I know, you will know. Check my board.
  • Friday the 25th is clap out. No finals today. IF YOU ARE TAKING MY BLOCK 1 FINAL on Tuesday the 29th, DO NOT SKIP THE FINAL. Clap out is NOT Graduation. You have not earned credit for the class until after the final.
  • Tuesday the 29th – All students will take Block 1 Finals. 1/2 day
  • Wednesday the 30th – Block 2 Final
  • Thursday the 31st – Block 3 Final


Today, we went through levels 6 and 7 of the Inferno.

Make sure that you understand what “Violence Against God, Art, and Nature” means. Art is not art like Mrs. Walton, and nature does not mean George Washington will be in this level for chopping down a cherry tree.

If you need to define “heretic” for level 6, then use the internet to figure that word out. You can do it!


Riley had to go to a follow up doctor’s appoint today, so she missed third period. If you were in 3rd block, make you read this to get the Riley Show.

In Level 2, the Lustful are punished. Here are Riley’s notes that you can’t get from the webpage: Just because Francesca and Paolo are in Hell together doesn’t this is a comfort or romantic. Think about it this way: Last year, the Captain, her husband, and her friend Sean went to China Wok (next to Klein High School). The two Rileys ordered a chicken dish, but the friend ordered a vegetarian dish. That night, BOTH the Rileys were out of commission with food poisioning! The Captain talked about how it was not a comfort to have her husband near her – all she could focus on was her own sickness and pain. She didn’t even think about her husband. This is how she imagines Hell to be – yes, she was with her husband, but it wasn’t romantic.

When she talked about Gluttony, she said that there are few things that she gluts on to the point that she makes herself sick:

  • Real popcorn (with loads of butter)
  • Sour Patch Kids
  • Fried foods (especially fried pickles)
  • Red Starburst

She can’t HELP herself – her husband always warns her that she will make herself sick if she eats too much, but she never listens to him. The punishment is that they did nothing but produce garbage, they get stuck in garbage for eternity.

When we got to Hoarders and Wasters, she talked about Dante really thought that this was where GREEDY and WASTFULL people went. Because the produced nothing in there lives, they get stuck doing nothing in death.

After you get done with Wrathful, then go ahead and start working on the Minos Project. USE YOUR TIME WISELY!


Today, we finished Paradise Lost (again, if you read Shmoop, you only need to read to the bullet about the Read Sea). If you missed this information, please make sure that you still get the notes/highlighting from another student.

Afterwards, we did the assignment in LMS entitled “Satan’s Letter to his Girlfriend.” You can characterize Satan however you like, but you need to make sure that you answer the questions accurately from the story of Paradise Lost. There is a drop box for this in LMS when you are done!

Hugs and kisses!


Happy Star Wars Day – May the Fourth be with you!

Today, we presented our scripts. If you did not present today, you must film your interview and turn it into Riley ASAP.


Today, we just finished up the movie and the foldable.

Make sure your script is finished and you are ready to present tomorrow.

You have to have a script for each speaking character and props/costume. The script is a major writing grade and the presentation is a major grade. These should be EASY grades!


Get on the foldable train. Choo choo!

First, we started creating the TriF0ld foldable: A Hot doy with a lip. Cut it twice, so you have three sections.

Label the lip “Arthurian Legend”, label the first tab “The Book: The Acts of King Arthur”, Second tab: “The Movie: Excalibur”, and the last tab: “The Research” My Character.”

List diffrences between the movie, the book, and your research. This does not need to be in complete sentences.

Then, we started Excalibur! Enjoy!


Happy Birthday, Mordred! Mordred is Arthur’s son/brother that he tried to kill when he was only a baby, but fate could not be denied!

Today, Riley gave us the entire class to work on the script: YOU HAVE TO HAVE THE SCRIPT DONE BY THURSDAY IN ORDER TO PRESENT ON FRIDAY.


The script is a major writing grade and the presentation is a major project grade. There is no make up for the presentation.

If you are going to attend the field trip to the courts on Thursday, plan on staying after to finish the movie.