
Wiglaf has decided to give us one more chance to redeem ourselves since he doesn’t want to start his new reign on a negative note. So, we are going to memorialize Beowulf’s story by writing an interview – Rolling Stone style about one of the major characters of the saga. If you go to the Rolling Stone Interview folder, you will find the instructions and sample Rolling Stone Interviews – I happen to like Eddie Murphy’s.

The Rolling Stone magazine introductory paragraphs go on and on, but I’m only looking for ONE REALLY good paragraph.

Think of the following:

  • location
  • clothing
  • appearance
  • other people’s reactions
  • personality
  • history

Then start thinking about twenty questions or comments to ask the character you chose. If you need help, look at the examples in LMS or skim through Riley’s book.

Garrett is really excited about interviewing Wiglaf – just check out the look on his face!


Happy Birthday, Mordred! Mordred is Arthur’s son/brother that he tried to kill when he was only a baby, but fate could not be denied!

Today, Riley gave us the entire class to work on the script: YOU HAVE TO HAVE THE SCRIPT DONE BY THURSDAY IN ORDER TO PRESENT ON FRIDAY.


The script is a major writing grade and the presentation is a major project grade. There is no make up for the presentation.

If you are going to attend the field trip to the courts on Thursday, plan on staying after to finish the movie.


We finished the quests from King Arthur’s wedding and read about Merlin’s death- pages 95-111.

Then, we did a circle foldable that Riley is calling the Round Table. Cut them out. The cover will be the one that looks like Pac-Man and the divided one is where you will write your sentences.

•Cover – Illustrate the three quests (make sure your name is on it)
•3 sentences summarizing The Wedding – 85-91
•3 sentences summarizing Gawain’s quest -91-95
•3 sentences summarizing Torre’s quest – 95-100
•3 sentences summarizing Pellinore’s quest – 100-105
Make sure you are still working on the research – that is due on Friday!


Ahoy, mateys!

We read 85-95 about Arthur’s wedding. After that, Riley gave the class instructions over the Arthurian interview. The example and the instructions are in LMS, but here are a few hints:

  • You have to research before you write the script.
  • You can use the questions provided to help you

Print your sources to OneNote (or wherever – just don’t waste paper) and I’d suggest highlighting the answers and other interesting information.

Once you get the information done, you will turn that information and start writing your script. Write this as if your character is on a talk show – you can choose the talk show and the host. Riley used Ellen DeGeneres as her host, but you can choose someone else.

Write the script with the host asking questions and making comments,and during the conversations, the facts that you researched will be be discussed.

Make sure you that show voice in your script – if you want an example, look at Riley’s example (Greek god) in LMS.

If you have questions, post away here!


After we wrote the contract with Beowulf, we woke up early and went after the dragon. However, Riley made us roll a die to see if we chickened out and ran away. If you got a 10 on the roll, you stood there, petrified. If you got between a 9 and a 2, you ran away in fear.  But if you got a 1, you botched. You seriously failed the roll. If you botched, you were so scared that that as you ran away, you soiled your pants.

The best part about this was that in third block, RILEY BOTCHED! LOL!

After we cleaned ourselves off, Wiglaf talked to us. He said that even though we failed to keep our end of the contract, he’d give us a chance since we didn’t betray Beowulf. We have to memorialize Beowulf by writing an interview about him in the Rolling Stone magazine.

Check LMS for instructions. Today, we wrote the 20 questions and the introduction. Tomorrow, we will work some more. This will be due on Monday.