
We finished the quests from King Arthur’s wedding and read about Merlin’s death- pages 95-111.

Then, we did a circle foldable that Riley is calling the Round Table. Cut them out. The cover will be the one that looks like Pac-Man and the divided one is where you will write your sentences.

•Cover – Illustrate the three quests (make sure your name is on it)
•3 sentences summarizing The Wedding – 85-91
•3 sentences summarizing Gawain’s quest -91-95
•3 sentences summarizing Torre’s quest – 95-100
•3 sentences summarizing Pellinore’s quest – 100-105
Make sure you are still working on the research – that is due on Friday!


Ahoy, mateys!

We read 85-95 about Arthur’s wedding. After that, Riley gave the class instructions over the Arthurian interview. The example and the instructions are in LMS, but here are a few hints:

  • You have to research before you write the script.
  • You can use the questions provided to help you

Print your sources to OneNote (or wherever – just don’t waste paper) and I’d suggest highlighting the answers and other interesting information.

Once you get the information done, you will turn that information and start writing your script. Write this as if your character is on a talk show – you can choose the talk show and the host. Riley used Ellen DeGeneres as her host, but you can choose someone else.

Write the script with the host asking questions and making comments,and during the conversations, the facts that you researched will be be discussed.

Make sure you that show voice in your script – if you want an example, look at Riley’s example (Greek god) in LMS.

If you have questions, post away here!