
We sneezed today (Bless You!) about qualities that we would want our boss to have.

Then, we read from pages 12-22. It didn’t take that long, and after we finished reading, we did the Pro/Con Foldable in LMS. There are four slides where you go over the reasons Arthur SHOULD be king (pros)  and reasons why Arthur should NOT be king (cons) and finally, the last slide is your opinion on whether Arthur should be king or not.

  • Slide one –


Today, we did an anticipation guide for “The Acts of King Arthur and His Noble Knights” by reading ten statements and then holding up a sign with whether we agreed or disagreed with them. A few times we got into it – except in second block. Second Block just stared and would really talk. BOR-ING.

We started reading The Acts of King Arthur and His Noble Knights (pages 7-12). It’s pretty easy to read, so if you missed it, it’s not confusing at all.

After we read, did a One Pager. The one pager instructions (and a sample) are in LMS.


Basically, you are going to create a poster (can be on Powerpoint, on paper, or whatever you wish) with the following items:

  • a picture/clip art in the center of the poster
  • four brainstorms
  • the two most important quotes from pages 7-12 (cited correctly)
  • 2 thought-provoking questions
  • 2 answers to those questions
  • 1 personal connection

If you do this on paper, make sure that you turn it in the Old School Dropbox and leave a message in the LMS dropbox.