
We totally ran out of time for all of the super awesome cool things we were supposed to do yesterday! In case you didn’t do it yet, here is the link for YESTERDAY’S exit ticket!

Firstly, if you needed your gmail password reset, I had those for you so you could send me the 48 Hours e-mail.

I also gave out my password for Remind.

Remind_IVB (1)

We read through Carpe Diem Translation PowerPoint and talked about carpe diem, memento mori, eat, drink, and be merry, and YOLO.

The next assignment we did was the Tower Translation. You will read the four sentences, and then translate each sentence in your own thought. Add some clip art. I explained what it mean to strain the wine by showing a snippet from a video about pruno. I also serenaded the class to Doris Day’s song Que Sera Sera. Supposedly there are videos out there. If you have them, post a link below in the comment section!


Make sure you have clip art! You may need to resize the font. Then cut thusly:

And then fold/glue.

We then answered the following Exit Ticket question and worked on our Bucket Lists.


8/24/2015 – B

Ahoy, mateys! Welcome to the first day of school! I *told* you that I didn’t like my desks were arranged yesterday. To be honest, I’m STILL not sure if I like them. If anyone want to hep me rearrange things when I get back, I’ll be more than happy to move things around again when I get back.

Everything we did today can be located in BB.

BBIVAFirst, we talked about how I’m on a points system rather than percentage system. I find this easier to set and meet your goals for the term.  The most points you can earn for the term is 1500 points. That means that if you have 1500 points at the end of the term, you will have earned 100%. 1500/1500 = 100% If you earn 1300/1500 points, you’ll have earned a 90, 1200/1500 points earns an 80, 1100 points is a 73, and 1050 points is a 70. 

This helps you know just how much work you need to do in order to earn your grade goal. If you want to pass and you only have 1000 points, you know you are only fifty points away from passing. That might be one assignment (depending on what you are missing).

In order to give you a visualize, I have created a chart with levels:


As you progress, I’ll “level” you up, just like in a game.

LevelsThen, we talked about how I use rubrics for major grades and what I expect from the different grade levels of work.





We discussed a little bit that I take -5 off major assignments for every day late.

Then, we signed up for my Remind class. You can find my code in BB under the First Day folder.

Since we had some extra time, I talked about how I won’t be here the rest of the week. I briefly explained the assignments that I’m leaving. We talked about the Bucket List and I promised that I’d leave the first part of the Carpe Diem Tower Translation foldable here, so here it is!


I’ll try to Skype at least once this week, but I can’t make any promises.


1/22/2015 – B

We watched Mr. Keating creep his students out in a clip From Dead Poets Society and then we did the Carpe Diem Translation Tower.

You will read the four sentences, and then translate each sentence in your own thought. Add some clip art. Riley explained what it mean to strain the wine by showing a snippet from a video about pruno. She also serenaded the class to Doris Day’s song Que Sera Sera.

Make sure you have clip art! You may need to resize the font. Then cut thusly:

And then fold/glue.

In To The Virgins Discussion Board, we answered the required question: What Age is Best in Life” before we printed “To the Virgins” and “Coy Mistress” to OneNote.

We then read To The Virgins, To Make Much of Time. Make sure that you get the notes here:

If you want, ask me why I find this poem so offensive.

We also talked about peaking in high school. If you peak in high school, then the rest of your life will be pretty depressing.

Lastly, we went back to the To The Virgins Discussion board to answer three more questions. YOUR CHOICE. Make sure you that you have four completed so you can get full credit. If you do MORE than four questions, you are earn extra points!


In the Carpe Diem section, click on the Seize the Day folder. Read the story for Lingerie and follow the directions. Pretty easy. All you have to do is find ONE WORD. That’s IT!

We watched Mr. Keating creep his students out in a clip From Dead Poets Society and then we did the Carpe Diem Translation Tower.

You will read the four sentences, and then translate each sentence in your own thought. Add some clip art. Riley explained what it mean to strain the wine by showing a snippet from a video about pruno. She also serenaded the class to Doris Day’s song Que Sera Sera.

Make sure you have clip art! You may need to resize the font. Then cut thusly:

And then fold/glue.

In To The Virgins Discussion Board, we answered the required question: What Age is Best in Life” before we printed “To the Virgins” and “Coy Mistress” to OneNote.

We then read To The Virgins, To Make Much of Time. Make sure that you get the notes here:

If you want, ask me why I find this poem so offensive.

We also talked about peaking in high school. If you peak in high school, then the rest of your life will be pretty depressing.

Lastly, we went back to the To The Virgins Discussion board to answer three more questions. YOUR CHOICE. Make sure you that you have four completed so you can get full credit. If you do MORE than four questions, you are earn extra points!