1/8/2015 – B

I sent everyone a PowerPoint about Carpe Diem, Eat, Drink, and Be Merry, Memento Mori, and YOLO today. We translated the passage from Horace (where we get the expression carpe diem from). You can use this on the final exam if you still have it in ten weeks.

The last page of the PowerPoint is a foldable. You will read the four sentences, and then translate each sentence in your own thought. Add some clip art. I explained what it mean to strain the wine by showing a snippet from a video about pruno. I also serenaded the class to Doris Day’s song Que Sera Sera. Apparently, the entire school heard my song to you.

Make sure you have clip art! You may need to resize the font. Then cut thusly:

And then fold/glue.

Afterwards, we created an account on Bucket List. I won’t be able to access your account information, so remember your username and password, please!

Here is my account that you can look at. You can see that I have goals that I want to do, and things that I have done.

I want you to create a bucket list of things that YOU want to do before you die. Focus on meaningful things that you want to do, not just cool things. I know, it’s hard NOT to put those cool things on your list when you see them, but just think about things that you’d regret if you didn’t do them.

I’m looking for ten cool things and ten meaningful things for a total list of 20 items.



In the Carpe Diem section, click on the Seize the Day folder. Read the story for Lingerie and follow the directions. Pretty easy. All you have to do is find ONE WORD. That’s IT!

We watched Mr. Keating creep his students out in a clip From Dead Poets Society and then we did the Carpe Diem Translation Tower.

You will read the four sentences, and then translate each sentence in your own thought. Add some clip art. Riley explained what it mean to strain the wine by showing a snippet from a video about pruno. She also serenaded the class to Doris Day’s song Que Sera Sera.

Make sure you have clip art! You may need to resize the font. Then cut thusly:

And then fold/glue.

In To The Virgins Discussion Board, we answered the required question: What Age is Best in Life” before we printed “To the Virgins” and “Coy Mistress” to OneNote.

We then read To The Virgins, To Make Much of Time. Make sure that you get the notes here:

If you want, ask me why I find this poem so offensive.

We also talked about peaking in high school. If you peak in high school, then the rest of your life will be pretty depressing.

Lastly, we went back to the To The Virgins Discussion board to answer three more questions. YOUR CHOICE. Make sure you that you have four completed so you can get full credit. If you do MORE than four questions, you are earn extra points!