
Image result for othello movieToday, we watching the first part (Act 1) of Othello. It took about 20 minutes, and we worked on our Cloze Reading Guide (on paper). This is a major grade and we will do it in class. Since this is a major grade, I am keeping this legitimate and this will be due at the end of class. If you need extra time to finish it, you can come by my Panther Den or Ms. Miller’s Panther Den, but it has be be done.

I did not find this Cloze Activity online – I made it. If you want to double check your answers with me before you turn it in, I have no problem with that.

The play is in the original language, but I have the subtitles on.

Tomorrow, we will be taking a quiz over Act 1. We are taking it first without the notes, but you can retake it using your notes if you want. I want to see how effective my teaching is and what, if anything, I need to change before we take our Othello test on February 9th.