
As of 1:29 today, all grades are accurate and updated. If you are missing something, turn it in. If there is a MISTAKE, explain it on a post-it note and leave it in the Parking Lot. You must submit these things in writing to me.

As we near the end of our Carpe Diem unit, we are going to watch Dead Poet’s Society. This movie will last today and tomorrow, so make sure you use your time wisely. If you are working on assignments, make sure that you read the summary from Wikipedia because there will be final exam questions over this movie.

The “Timed” test and the Obituary will both be due tomorrow. That means if you turn either of these things in Friday, there will be points deducted from your score (whatever you score out of 150 points). Remember, that’s going to be -5 points each day late. So if you earn 130 points and turn the paper in 2 days late, that will be -10 points for a final grade of 120 points. Easy? Easy.

Your grades should be updated and accurate in BB after today. While you guys are working (and the movie is playing), I am transferring grades from BB to Gradespeed since my computer does not work at home. IT is working on the issue, so I hope it will be resolved soon. 🙂