
We talked about our IDEAL man/woman today in class. TJ was very easy going – he said all his perfect women needed was a face. 🙂 I talked about how after a particularly bad break up with an ex-boyfriend, I wrote a list of 100 things my perfect boyfriend would have. It took me a week or two to write it, and while it was an interesting writing activity, it was realistic. I never expected my husband to match all 100 characteristics.

Then, we read The Passionate Shepherd and took notes.

While we were reading, I dressed people up as the nymph. Isn’t this sweet and romantic?

Then, we read the response – The Nymph’s Reply to the Shepherd:

Aww. Sad Shepherd.

Lastly, we worked with a buddy to complete the Seduction/Shut Down Pre-Writing in the Pastoral folder.

Tomorrow, we will use this to write TWO poems – one persuasive and one rejection.

My absent students will need to make sure that they either find a partner or have to work by themselves (unless they have a card to partner with Riley!). Adrianna, we have a lot of people in first block who are solo right now. Ben, Ivan said he’s work with you.