
We started off the day with a pop quiz over the Bible! On my own, I earned 15/25. 1st block (Thanks to Josh A. and Felipe), earned a whopping 19/25. 2nd and 3rd Block earned a measly 14/25.

Then, we read the background of the King James Bible and discussed what the differences are between teaching the Bible as Literature (or History) and a religion class.

Then, we read Ecclesiastes 3:1 –

This was the perfect example of how the Bible can be considered a piece of literature.

Then, we read Psalms 3:1

This was an example of how the Bible can be literature and still be a religious text at the same time.

Then, we read our last bit for the day – the Parable of the Prodigal Son:

If we had time, Riley played a game where she played music and you had to find the what part of the Bible it was alluding to (one of the three things we just read), but this wasn’t a grade.

Lastly, we answered three questions in the discussion board – The Bible as Literature Discussion Board. Make sure you REPLY to each question – you can find REPLY in the lower left hand corner of your screen.