
We talked about our IDEAL man/woman today in class. TJ was very easy going – he said all his perfect women needed was a face. 🙂 I talked about how after a particularly bad break up with an ex-boyfriend, I wrote a list of 100 things my perfect boyfriend would have. It took me a week or two to write it, and while it was an interesting writing activity, it was realistic. I never expected my husband to match all 100 characteristics.

Then, we read The Passionate Shepherd and took notes.

While we were reading, I dressed people up as the nymph. Isn’t this sweet and romantic?

Then, we read the response – The Nymph’s Reply to the Shepherd:

Aww. Sad Shepherd.

Lastly, we worked with a buddy to complete the Seduction/Shut Down Pre-Writing in the Pastoral folder.

Tomorrow, we will use this to write TWO poems – one persuasive and one rejection.

My absent students will need to make sure that they either find a partner or have to work by themselves (unless they have a card to partner with Riley!). Adrianna, we have a lot of people in first block who are solo right now. Ben, Ivan said he’s work with you.


It’s February! Isn’t that a funny word – most people mispronounce it – including the Captain.

Today, we started our first Major Writing Grade – the Beo-Boast. There is a pre-writing assignment associated with this in LMS – just go to the drop box and list a few things for each category. Use Riley’s as an example.

The Beo-Boast instructions are in LMS, as well. It’s not that long, but don’t freak out about writing your first draft with kennings and alliteration. That comes in with your REVISING! Make sure you turn this is ASAP so that you won’t have a zero for the progress report next week.

Remember – it’s ok to boast and exagerrate in this assignment.