
Make sure you download the Beowulf text in LMS. It’s long (29 pages!), but print it to OneNote or Journal Writer. Today, we read The Wrath (Anger) of Grendel and took notes.

Then we talked about how the Christians believed in Free Will while the Pagans believed in Fate. So Cap’n gave us a list of quotes and we had to sort them into fate/free will categories.

Lastly, she gave us a cartoon that we had to narrate.

Make sure that you use at least three words from *her* Word Storm and that it narrates a story of some kind.


Cap’n is really sad that no one is taking her up on her offer of extra credit. 🙁

Anyhoo, today we started out today with a sneeze about tests. It could be anything – a driving test, a TAKS test, or even a pregnancy test.

We then reviewed our posters ONE MORE TIME with our group, and then we did a Gallery Walk. One person stayed with the poster, and the rest of the group rotated to be taught the posters from the other groups.

Afterwards, we went back to our original groups to take a group test. We had to give wegild because SOMEONE in the class lost composure in the game. Our wergild was to show that we respected the culture of the Anglo-Saxons by taking a quiz.

Luckily, he accepted a class average. We were lucky!