
We read some more of Beowulf today. We read “The Coming of Beowulf”, Section 6, and section 7. All I can say is thank goodness I don’t have to read this by myself!

Riley showed us what a “naked sword” looked like, and we learning why she wiggled Grendel’s arms the funny way that she does. The funniest thing by far was when she made Kemi (who was it in 2nd block?) run a race with her when she was explaining the swimming race with Brecca. TOO FUNNY!

After we finished reading, we did an activity called “Open Mind” in PowerPoint. Here is a good picture to use for the head outline. Also, it might be easier to change your PP to portrait instead of landscape to give yourself more room.

Most people didn’t finish, but Riley was going to give us some time tomorrow to finish.

She has to have grades done for progress reports tomorrow, so no slackers!

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