
Today, Riley started out class having us choose the best sneeze that we have written so far and highlight it. She’ll read those on her own time. Just make sure that you highlight one so she knows what to read. 🙂

Then we finished up our last two Fruit Centers. Easy Peasy.

We then talked about how Beowulf is a combination of pagan beliefs AND Christian beliefs. To show how they did this, we created a comic strip that was a combination of the ORIGINAL artist and our additions. We changed things just like the Christian monks changed things.

Riley then gave us the rest of the period to work on our “Where I’m From” poems. Make sure that you drop off your rough draft with corrections. If you did your corrections on paper, then take a picture of your edits and post the picture to the LMS drop box.

There is also a drop box for your final copy of the poem. Make sure that it is error-free and pretty enough to be published. I don’t care if you write it in Word, Publisher, or another program. I just want it nice and pretty. 🙂

If you have any time left, work on things that need to get turned in.

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