
What better way to torture you guys on a Friday than by making you watch Jersey Shore?!?! Okay, maybe not a whole episode, but we watched a trailer and then and discussed why people were upset with it because of racist stereotypes.

Then, I gave each group an an article about Jersey Shore and each group did a 3-2-1 summary of it. We also answered some independent questions in Blackboard (Grading Period 4: Othello > Setting > Independent Questions).

The big reason we did this today is because the same stereotypes that Jersey Shore encourages are the reasons that Shakespeare chose Italy as the location for this play. There no way that a good, obedient English girl would disobey her father and have an unnatural relationship, but an Italian girl? They’re cray cray!


We are going to start to read Othello on Monday – have a great weekend!

2/12/2015 – B

We started class out by doing the Othello anticipation guide.

Then, we watched a couple of videos about Italian stereotypes and discussed those. Louis was a little unhappy with the guy in video 1, but other than that, we agreed with most (if not all) of what he was saying.

Then, you chose an article about Jersey Shore and did the Jersey Shore Analysis.

Jersey ShoreWe talked about why Othello chose Italy as the setting for his play Othello:

settingThen, the last thing you did was discuss Italian stereotypes and what we can do to end prejudice.


We started out making a prediction – what do you think is going to happen today based on the list of words that Riley gave us in class:

Beowulf Prediction

 Then we read The Monster’s Lair and the Battle with Grendel’s Mother – GRRR! FIGHTING! ATTACK!

We then sneezed about snow, and then we worked on a snow globe:


This is a Disney snowglobe with elements that show the setting of Disney.

Choose either Herot or Grendel’s Mother’s swamp and create a snow globe with at least five objects that show you understand the setting.

When we finished, we worked on our Foil Flip Doll.