
What better way to torture you guys on a Friday than by making you watch Jersey Shore?!?! Okay, maybe not a whole episode, but we watched a trailer and then and discussed why people were upset with it because of racist stereotypes.

Then, I gave each group an an article about Jersey Shore and each group did a 3-2-1 summary of it. We also answered some independent questions in Blackboard (Grading Period 4: Othello > Setting > Independent Questions).

The big reason we did this today is because the same stereotypes that Jersey Shore encourages are the reasons that Shakespeare chose Italy as the location for this play. There no way that a good, obedient English girl would disobey her father and have an unnatural relationship, but an Italian girl? They’re cray cray!


We are going to start to read Othello on Monday – have a great weekend!


In an effort to give you guys some time to get LATE WORK done, we are watching snippets from Excalibur today.

While watching (or after watching the movie), you will give me:

  1. THREE major differences between what we read in class and the movie
  2. TWO ways Arthur is a hero
  3. ONE question that you have over the story

Remember – you need to be using your time WISELY in class!

All the grades that will be counted for the rest of the term are in the Gradebook – remember, we will have a total of 1500 points. You can always find out how many points you need in order to earn the grade that you want for my class.

In order to pass the class, you will need to be a Sailing Master (1050 points give you a 70 BEFORE the final).