III – 11/1/2012

Today, we looked at the rubric and examples of the American Dream Photo Essay project.

We also chose a theme (look at the lis in LMS) and posted the lyrics to the song that we chose. You can use www.lyricsfreak.com at school, or find the lyrics at home. They must be school appropriate. Make sure that your song illustrates your American Dream theme.

Then, find at least thirty pictures you can use to illustrate your movie. When you save the picture, you must also save what webpage you found the picture. Do not just write down you got the picture from Google images – that’s not who hosts the picture or has copyright. The easiest way to do this (that I have found) is just copying/pasting the link to a document or to OneNote. I am partial to OneNote, but that’s just me.

There is a drop box in the American Dream folder entitled “Drafting” – that’s where you post your theme and the lyrics to your song. If you choose an instrumental piece, just note that in teh drop box when you name your song.