
We pulled out the little books that we made in class yesterday and wrote down a sentence about the characters that we read.

The skill we are working on is identifying and analyzing author’s viewpoint. You’ll see this on the test next week with quotes and phrases like “From this quote, one can tell that the author feels…” or “This quote shows…”


Notice that I *gave* you the sentences in purple. Just copy those down. Notice that I started the sentence fr you in yellow. You’ll finish those sentences off today on our own. Tomorrow, you are going to write your own sentences that show how Chaucer feels about the characters.

We read The Wife of Bath, the Parson, and the Plowman today. In 4th period, we also talked a little about the Nun (or the Prioress). If you weren’t here, go back and read those three sections, either in the textbook or on No Fear Canterbury Tales.

Our test is next Thursday, so please make sure you are keeping up with what we are doing in class.

I know that Skyward isn’t showing you your 1st 6 weeks (MP1) grades right now – I don’t know how to fix that, bu I can tell you that I haven’t put the two grades that I’ve collected in the grade book yet. I’m hoping to do that this afternoon for at least one!


Pull out your Canterbury Tales prologue and let’s get ready to reeeeeaaaaaad!

We read The Yeoman, The Prioress, The Monk, The Friar, The Merchant, and The Clerk today. After we finished reading, we worked on the Canterbury Tales Cheat Sheet.

Just remember to use good time management skills – USE YOUR TIME WISELY!

Also, all of the notes we take in class WILL ACTUALLY HELP YOU WITH THE ASSIGNMENTS LATER ON. I promise. If Riley was going to give you busy work, it would be a worksheet or the questions in the back of the book.