
Today, I made sure that you guys knew the word SECULAR.

Then, we read three short pieces from the KJ Bible: Ecclesiastes 3, Psalm 23, and the Parable of the Prodigal Son.

Make sure that you know that Ecclesiastes is a MAXIM. We also listened to the Byrds song Turn, Turn, Turn.



We also talked about how prevalent this Psalm is in our every day life by looking at how often it has been used in music and movies.

And before we started our LAST bit of the day, we watched a short movie based on this parable.

Prodigal Son 1Prodigal Son 2

Lastly, we did a foldable. You’ll need to make sure you have summary of each one on top and answer the change in perspective both all three selections.


Today, I made sure that you guys knew the word SECULAR.

Then, we read three short pieces from the KJ Bible: Ecclesiastes 3, Psalm 23, and the Parable of the Prodigal Son.

Make sure that you know that Ecclesiastes is a MAXIM.


psalm23And lastly:

Prodigal Son 1Prodigal Son 2

Then, we filled in a list of common phrases that you hear in every day life. Even if you don’t know a blank, make sure that you still fill it in. Take a guess! I promise, you’ll be surprised at how many you actually know when you get the answer sheet. 🙂 The big surprise? All of those phrases came from the Bible!


We started out today with a discussion board about where we find wisdom. Make sure that you list ONE place or person where you find wisdom. Read your classmates, and rate them on how helpful they are.

WE then read the Article Bible as Literature and and answered the Discussion Board questions: Bible as Literature. Only three questions – pretty simple.

As of right now, 7 students would take a Bible as Literature class here at Vistas; * would pass it. Pair has two votes to teach the class, Schinderling has 1 vote to teach it, Riley has1 vote, and Gonzalez has one vote.

We read the King James Background. Get the notes from a classmate.

We read Ecclesiastes  3:1 and listened to the song Turn, Turn, Turn. Get the notes from a classmate.