Riley’s Code of Chivalry

  1. I will have the courage to teach my students the best way I know how, even if that means embarrassing myself or questioning people/policies that I don’t think are in the best interest for my students. I got your back, guys!
  2. I will hold myself to the same expectations that I have for my students, whether it be for behavior or academics. I understand what is equal is not always just, and because of that, I have to treat people differently.
  3. I will be merciful in my grading and my words. I will forgive students when they are having a bad day and hope that they, too will forgive me when I am having a bad day. I will let them redo assignments if they learned the material.
  4. I will be generous with my time. If a student needs help, I will help them before school, during Panther Den, during lunch, and after school. I will spend time reading what they write. If they take the time to do an assignment, I’ll take the time to grade it.
  5. I will be faithful to the mission statement of the school, “Empowering lives through learning.” I will be faithful to my students and not intentionally betray them. I will be honest and truthful with my grades, assignments, and report cards.
  6. I will not only be the best teacher that I can be for my students, I will continue to try and improve. I will make sure that my actions help my students and that I do not intentionally hurt them academically, socially, or emotionally. I want my students to graduate from Klein Oak with the skills necessary to accomplish their goals and to look back on my classroom with fond remembrance.
  7. I will try my best to make sure that my classroom is a safe place for all learners. No one should come to my classroom feeling nervous or like they don’t belong. Even if they fail an assignment, I want them to have hope that they can pass my class and graduate. I will be hopeful when they cannot. I will uphold the Texas Educator’s Code of Ethics and be the kind of teacher that I want my own children to have one day.

The Seven Knightly Virtues

The Athlete’s Code of Chivalry