2/11/2015 – A

We finished Beowulf today  The Spoils and The Farewell. Things we discussed in detail:

  • Wiglaf was Beowulf’s cousin – B-wulf never got married, or had kids, so he gave the kingdom to his next-of-kin, who proved himself
  • Beowulf’s dying request was the tower, so that people could remember him
  • He was cremated and buried with the treasure
  • The monks tried to compare him to Jesus, but we poo-pooed that idea. Beowulf isn’t MILD. He’s not a Ghost Chile Pepper, but he’s definitely at least a jalapeno. We realized that Vistas lost a lot our spicier teachers from last year.

I gave you time to work on the Metaphorical Response, which is due today.

2/11/2015 – B

I had a hard time in English classes as a student when we read Shakespeare because I hated all the “research” we did about his life. When Shakespeare was born, when he died, how many kids he had, and all about the Globe stage. BOR-ING.

Part of my job is to make the stuff we read RELEVANT, so that’s what today is all about. You might not realize what this article today has to do with reading Shakespeare, but I promise it will make sense when we finish reading the play. :) I’m a tricky teacher!

20140421_093507[1]So, today we did a Socratic seminar over An American Honor Killing. I highlighted the essay for names and also had a chart in the wall showing the relationships between people.

We watched a few videos over an Honor Killing in America and the Released Audio Tapes in Honor Killing.20140421_093521[1]

Then, we took the fish pillows and went outside to have a Socratic Seminar about An American Honor Killing.