2/11/2015 – B

I had a hard time in English classes as a student when we read Shakespeare because I hated all the “research” we did about his life. When Shakespeare was born, when he died, how many kids he had, and all about the Globe stage. BOR-ING.

Part of my job is to make the stuff we read RELEVANT, so that’s what today is all about. You might not realize what this article today has to do with reading Shakespeare, but I promise it will make sense when we finish reading the play. :) I’m a tricky teacher!

20140421_093507[1]So, today we did a Socratic seminar over An American Honor Killing. I highlighted the essay for names and also had a chart in the wall showing the relationships between people.

We watched a few videos over an Honor Killing in America and the Released Audio Tapes in Honor Killing.20140421_093521[1]

Then, we took the fish pillows and went outside to have a Socratic Seminar about An American Honor Killing.


Today, we had a brief escape from the classroom since my room is being painted. We spent time either in the library or in the outdoor classroom doing a Socratic Seminar over the article An American Honor Killing. You could earn 10 XP for reading the article, and then 10 points for each significant comment or question asked. This is a 40 point assignment. If you weren’t here, you can earn some points by reading the assignment, but you’ve missed the Speaking and Listening Nuggets.

You can read this from the link provided above, but I would suggest that you read the printed paper copy that I have in my classroom. The reason that I’d suggest the paper copy is because I have highlighted and color coded names. The people involved do not have Western/American names, and I found it very hard to keep track of the actors involved, so I color coded it. You can also see a few of my comments on the last two pages.