

Today, we had another quest: to write an analytical essay over leadership in Beowulf and King Arthur.

What is an analytical essay. you ask? Well, when you analyze something, you are examining it detail, breaking it down idea by idea.

You are going to be explaining leadership in this essay. Don’t just give me a summary of the leadership in these two stories: DISCOVER something about leadership. If you need help, use the Training Wheels that I gave you as a printout (you can also find these Training Wheels in the Writing folder in LMS).

So when you look at the essay topic, don’t just address the leadership from the title characters – look at how other characters show positive and negative leadership characteristics.

There are many ways that you can approach this essay, but here are two that Riley talked about:

Or here is another one:

If you have a different way of organizing your essay, feel free to use it. These are training wheels – if you don’t need the training wheels, feel free to ride that bicycle all by yourself!

The last thing we talked about before we started writing was the formatting of the paper.

When you write your essay, you will need the following:

  • a header
  • a heading
  • doubled spaced
  • indented paragraphs
  • a centered title – this should NOT stand out in any other way other than the centered formatting. No bold, no italics, to underline. Just. The. Title. Centered.
  • a normal font (try Calibri, Arial, Times New Roman)

Remember – if you want to see how this will be graded, check LMS for the rubric.