Thoughts from the Captain…

When I left on Monday, I was fairly confident that my crew would be more than capable to work on all of the assignments that were left:

  1. The Foil Flip Doll (worth 20 XP)
  2. The Metaphorical Response (worth 150 XP)

Imagine my shock and horror when I came back to school today and realized that yesterday wasn’t a “Shut Up and Work Day,” but a “Captain’s Away, So I’m Gonna Play Day.”

Not cool.

I can’t give you any extra time for this stuff, so that means you’ll have to work on this on your own time. 🙁

Check the due dates in Gradespeed – the Metaphorical Response is due Thursday – that’s tomorrow. I shortened the assignment, so there should be no excuses as to why it’s not done.

If you need help or time to get it done, I should be seeing people in my room after school – NO ONE IS HERE! I’m lonely. 🙁



The Captain is back today! Hooray!

We last left off with our pirates listening to the bards telling the earlier stories of Beowulf and how awesome he was when he was younger.

Today, we listened to the bards tell us about Grendel’s Mother’s Swamp. We were also given an opportunity to make some money for the repair of the ship. We are acting as realtors to sell the swamp to make the commission! In first block, Ms. Moulton even came in and was our “guest speaker” to give us hints on how to sell this horrible bit of property.

Then, we read about Beowulf’s battle with Grendel’s Mother. It was ferocious!


Then, we finally met Old King Beowulf, who looks something like this:

We stammered out that we needed his help because this dragon, or as Aaron said, a big ugly lizard attacked us. Beowulf mused thoughtfully for a second, and said that his people had also been terrorized by this dragon. If we agree to stay to fight the dragon tomorrow morning, we we will be rewarded with our hearts’ wishes: a new or fully repaired ship.

When you write the contract,  check out the following notes that Riley left for you in this PDF – Contract Notes.


The Beowulf Metaphorical Response has been SHORTENED – you only need to complete the metaphors for the following:

  • Beowulf
  • Grendel
  • Grendel’s Mother
  • Hrothgar
  • Unferth
  • Herot


The Captain abandoned ship today, but we had a substitute Captain come in.

Riley had left instructions for you to work on your Foil Flip Dolls and then work on the Metaphorical Response.

Sadly, it seems that more of you bilge monkeys didn’t use your time wisely. I was very saddened to see that NO A SINGLE FOIL FLIP DOLL WAS DONE!

What gives with that???

If you need to work on this, come by after school and work, work, work!