
Wiglaf has decided to give us one more chance to redeem ourselves since he doesn’t want to start his new reign on a negative note. So, we are going to memorialize Beowulf’s story by writing an interview – Rolling Stone style about one of the major characters of the saga. If you go to the Rolling Stone Interview folder, you will find the instructions and sample Rolling Stone Interviews – I happen to like Eddie Murphy’s.

The Rolling Stone magazine introductory paragraphs go on and on, but I’m only looking for ONE REALLY good paragraph.

Think of the following:

  • location
  • clothing
  • appearance
  • other people’s reactions
  • personality
  • history

Then start thinking about twenty questions or comments to ask the character you chose. If you need help, look at the examples in LMS or skim through Riley’s book.

Garrett is really excited about interviewing Wiglaf – just check out the look on his face!