
Lil’ Juan here again. Looks like I’m the only one getting extra credit so far! And I’m the only one who doesn’t need it! 🙂

We started with Riley’s Blog – we posted to First Day Rumors and then we posted to Riley’s Rules of 8. Just make sure that when you write posts that you copy your comment before you hit submit just in case it gets “lost.”

We then watched a video called “Wear Sunscreen” about advice and sneezed about a quote that you chose from the text. Sneezes are short – only two minutes long. Just make sure that you are constantly writing for two minutes. Riley read hers in second block and started to cry a little. She wasn’t joking when she said she had no composure!

We ended the day with a sentence rewrite – we started with

““Don’t be reckless with other people’s hearts. Don’t put up with people who are reckless with yours”

and then had to rewrite it with different subjects. Here is Riley’s example (thanks to second block for fixing it!):

Don’t kiss someone after they get done smoking a cigarette. Don’t put up with people kissing you after a smoke.
Put it in a pretty powerpoint slide (pictures must enhance meaning of the sentences!) and drop it like it’s hot!
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