
Hooray! It’s Friday!

We started out today by downloading the Beowulf text to OneNote. It’s  big file, so don’t get worried if it takes a long time to download.

We read the first section, The Wrath of Grendel. We also took notes. Riley has the notes, or you can get them from a shipmate. Riley does not use pre-made test questions – she only does test questions over things that she taught, so if highlight what she has, you’ll have a good review for the test(s).

We then started teh Fruit Bowl Centers. Instructions are in LMS. Kiwis made a vocabulary cube. Watermelons worked in a discussion board. Starfruits made a poster. And Lemons worked in the hallway with Holloway on a quiz and Edmodo post.

If you were absent, make sure that you get the Lemon and the Starfruit centyers done today.

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