
Cap’n is really sad that no one is taking her up on her offer of extra credit. 🙁

Anyhoo, today we started out today with a sneeze about tests. It could be anything – a driving test, a TAKS test, or even a pregnancy test.

We then reviewed our posters ONE MORE TIME with our group, and then we did a Gallery Walk. One person stayed with the poster, and the rest of the group rotated to be taught the posters from the other groups.

Afterwards, we went back to our original groups to take a group test. We had to give wegild because SOMEONE in the class lost composure in the game. Our wergild was to show that we respected the culture of the Anglo-Saxons by taking a quiz.

Luckily, he accepted a class average. We were lucky!


Today was the first that you little Bucaneers did real curriculum work. Woe to the student that missed today! You missed group work!

We started out by doing a pretty fun activit. The class was split into two groups (right side of the room and left side of the room) and we had to decide what archetype each Vistas staff member is.

After this was completed, we kinda sorta did a map. We labeled the countries on Great Britain (England, Scotland, and Wales) and labeled the countries On Ireland (Ireland and Northern Ireland). We learned that Northern Ireland is NOT a part of the UK – ask anyone in class about it – they will be more than happy to demonstrate. 🙂

Then, we broke off into groups and chose a role: Peanut, Butter, Jelly, or Time. Each role had different sections of the textbook to read. Once you were done reading your sections, you drew pictures that represented what you read. Picture notes are pretty easy!

Peanut Butter Jelly Time!

If you didn’t finish your picture today in class, take them home and work on them tomorrow for homework. They have to be done for class tomorrow so your group doesn’t get behind.

Oh, and we will be having a group quiz sometime soonish. Don’t miss it!


Isn’t anyone other than Lil’ Juan going to be the scribe? Holy Moly! I sure know a lot about this classroom, and I only just got back the room on Tuesday!

Anyway, we spent today working on the quilt squares to provide protection and comfort (?) when we return attack on the French ship that fired at us.

Yesterday we made the quilt patches and today, we read the material and wrote down our notes.

You will need a key word, a sentence (quote, summary, or paraphrase), and a picure. If you need help, Riley has key words for each section on an index card.