
Canterbury Tales continued today!

We watched a video about monks and what they were like in the medieval day.

Today, we read about the Friar, the Merchant, and the Clerk. Before we read the Friar, I played a YouTube video of a Franciscan Friar who answered the top ten questions that he gets. I skimmed through a few of the questions and answers so that we can compare/contrast the CT Friar with our Friendly YouTube Friar.

When we read the Cleric, I played one of my favorite videos for you: Weird Al’s White and Nerdy. When you read his description, it’s pretty accurate for him, except maybe our Cleric is even MORE nerdy that the speaker in the song, if that’s even possible.

We also read the Merchant.

We have read about three church people who didn’t follow their vows, so we did a small activity examining what their jobs were SUPPOSED to be like contrasted with what the characters were ACTUALLY like. Because Blackboard isn’t working right now, just e-mail this document to me so I can give you credit for it. 🙂


2/19/2015 – A

We reviewed the Middle Ages Spiders from yesterday (I’m missing A LOT of these!).

We also filled in the blanks on the Canterbury Tales Skeleton Outline. Make sure you save this for the final exam!

We started reading the Canterbury Tales Prologue today. I sent you all a Word copy of the text with my notes on it. Today, we read up to the Knight.

Then, we started the Cheat Sheet. For each character, you will list at least ten adjectives that describe the character. You can use Chaucer’s words, my words, or your own words. Give the most significant quote for the character. Find an image that represents him/her and replace the hang gliding pig with what you found.

knight cheat sheetWe will work on this a little bit each day, so use your time wisely!



Welcome back! Except for Aaron, who decided to take TODAY off as well. 🙁

We worked on A Table for Twelve today – the last class day in class to work on this project. This will due on FRIDAY.

The schedule for the next few weeks:

Week 7

  • 3/6 – The Miller’s Tale & RAFT

  • 3/7 – The Wife of Bath Tale & Online Ad

  • 3/8 – The Pardoner’s Tale – Foldable

Week 8

  • 3/18 – Othello Act 1

  • 3/19 – Othello Act 2

  • 3/20 – Othello Act 3

  • 3/21 – Othello Act 4

  • 3/22 – Othello Act 5 – Haikus due (150 points)

Week 9

  • 3/25 – Guilt Essay – 150 points

  • 3/26 – Block 1 Final

  • 3/27 – Block 2/3 Finals

There are no make up days – we are an accelerated curriculum, which means we don’t have time for that mess. NO MAKE UP DAYS – USE YOUR TIME WHEN YOU GET IT.

Also, you really need to be passing BEFORE you go off to Spring Break.


As the pirate adventurers left King Arthur, we noticed that we ere being followed by the Frenchies! We opted to hide out by going on a pilgrimage with these random 30 people who were on their way to Canterbury Cathedral. We have to make sure we know who these people are in case we have PROVE that we are PILGRIMS.

Today, we read The General Prologue of the Canterbury Tales (go download it from the Canterbury Tales folder). First block read up to the Franklin, and 2nd and 3rd read up to the Friar.

If you take notes, you will be able to use those notes on the final exam next month. Remember that the notes and the highlighting are where I get the questions for the final exam.

Here’s a picture of Aly looking very sad because she was EXCOMMUNICATED and doomed to go to Hell. Sad Aly.


We were all very glad to see Riley was in school today.

Today, she gave us time to work on our poster and then had us convert our poster’s paragraphs into a paper. There is a new folder called Pimp my Paper and this is where all of our material for the paper will go.

Remember, in order to pimp your paper out, you have to have to something to edit and revise! Make sure you have this to work on for Monday!


The Captain started out and gave us the last two pilgrims for the Cheat Sheet: The Narrator and the Host.

Whoa. That’s a GIANT picture.

Anyway, after we did that, we worked on our Moral and Corrupt Pre-writing. Using our cheat sheets, we individually decided who were the top five most CORRUPT pilgrims, and the top five most MORAL characters.

In LMS, there are two documents to fill out: The Moral Pre-Writing and the Corrupt Pre-Writing. Fill it out with an explanation and quote that proves your point. Make sure that you are using quotes that are accurate!

Corrupt is BLUE with dark blue being the MOST corrupt.

Moral is purple with the darkest purple being the most moral.


You will not be able to do the poster without doing the pre-writing, and it will be WAY easier to write the paper if all of this is done. It’s like a ladder – in order to reach the top, you have to work your way up.


Pull out your Canterbury Tales prologue and let’s get ready to reeeeeaaaaaad!

We read The Yeoman, The Prioress, The Monk, The Friar, The Merchant, and The Clerk today. After we finished reading, we worked on the Canterbury Tales Cheat Sheet.

Just remember to use good time management skills – USE YOUR TIME WISELY!

Also, all of the notes we take in class WILL ACTUALLY HELP YOU WITH THE ASSIGNMENTS LATER ON. I promise. If Riley was going to give you busy work, it would be a worksheet or the questions in the back of the book.


What? It’s Valentine’s Day? There’s a cute little new girl in class who is kinda cute, but we aren’t even Facebook official yet. This is all Bri’s fault.

Today, we sneezed about power and Riley explained the Extra Credit Scavenger hunt. It will be easy to do – just go to Wal-Mart and take pictures of things!

We then started reading The Canterbury Tales – we are hiding out from the po-po until things settle down and we can go back to our ship. We don’t want to get caught as PIRATES!

In order to prove that we are indeed people who belong on this pilgrimage, we are going to need to know the other people on the trip with us. So we are going to make a Cheat Sheet of pilgrims. This template for this is in PowerPoint. We “met” The Knight and The Squire today. Remember – ten words for each person, clip art for a symbol, and flip your words for when we print. You can use this for anything we do later on – even when we go up against the BOSS (the final).