9/14/17 (Level)

We took our 14 question quiz today – the grades *should* be in the grade book tomorrow, fingers crossed!

After we took the quiz, we worked on (finished?) our rough draft. Remember – at the end of the day today, we have had a little over an hour to work on this paper. Look at what you have done: does your product reflect an hour’s worth of work? If yes, thank you! 🙂 If not, think about why. Were you playing catch up from absences or a transfer? Were you off task? Did you struggle and need help?

I’ve had a lot of students ask when the rough draft is due. Technically, it’s due at the start of class tomorrow when we edit and revise the paper. However… I am not asking for a copy of your rough draft. I’m going to look at your your revising and editing and your final copy. If you don’t have the rough draft, you can’t revise and edit. If you don’t revise and edit, you may not meet the requirements on the rubric.

I know Littlefinger said that “Ladder is a chaos,” but so are my assignments. I scaffold them for success!

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