
We started the major grade component of The Rocking Horse Winner today. So, of course, I had to explain the crazy idea that we’re doing: a proof sheet.

Photographers (who use film) have a limited number of shots that they can take. Usually it’s 24 (though I do remember it going up to 36!). This is a huge change from the unlimited number of digital shots people take today.

We are going to do a proof sheet (courtesy my Kelly Gallagher, my English teacher crush.

Below are the instructions (and questions) that I handed out in class. If you are really artistic and need more space than is provided on the dummy proof sheet, I have index cards that you can use.

I would HIGHLY recommend writing a list on a scratch sheet of paper first as a rough draft. Why? Because you can visually see your list and easily reorder items before you start drawing them.

If you have a list of your own, I don’t mind you comparing it to MY list when you are done, either for comparison or to fill is holes.

I am giving people the option of taking twenty points off for only 16 proofs, though I think that it would be really easy to get 24, especially since I am letting you look at MY list.