1/7/15 – B

The very first thing that we did today was the 48 Hours e-mail.

48 hours email

You can just e-mail me a list with what you want to do. :)

Here’s my list:

  • Eat all of my favorite foods
  • Spend time with my family
  • Skype with loved ones who are not local
  • Write letters to my children for special events
  • Try to stay calm: meditate, acupuncture

Then, we read The Top Five Regrets of the Dying. We talked about hospice care and regret. We then cubed regret by answering these 6 questions:


We watched the trailer for The Buried Life and watched a TED talk. During the TED Talk, one of the speakers mentioned that he thinks death is a taboo subject, we we brainstormed ideas about that.

taboo death

Afterwards, we created an account on Bucket List. I won’t be able to access your account information, so remember your username and password, please!

Here is my account that you can look at. You can see that I have goals that I want to do, and things that I have done.

I want you to create a bucket list of things that YOU want to do before you die. Focus on meaningful things that you want to do, not just cool things. I know, it’s hard NOT to put those cool things on your list when you see them, but just think about things that you’d regret if you didn’t do them.

1/7/15 – A

Using the character sheets that you did yesterday, I put you in groups based on your personalities.

pbj groups

If you were missing a group member, I took over for that person so your group wouldn’t suffer. I know, I know. I’m awesome. 🙂

If you weren’t here, go to Blackboard > Beowulf > Peanut Butter Jelly Time and print the Anglo-Saxon History text to OneNote.

pbj text

We are not going to read this all individually ourselves, we are going to split up the work within our group. The sections you are responsible for are listed on the back of your Peanut Butter and Jelly card.

The Sections


Celtic Heroes and Heroines in a Magical World

The Romans: The Great Administrators

The Anglo-Saxons Sweep Ashore




Anglo-Saxon Life: The Warm Hall, The Cold World

The Anglo-Saxon Religion Religion: Gods for Warriors



The Bards: Singing of Gods and Heros

A Light From Ireland

The Christian Monasteries: The Ink Froze

Jennifer, you are doing Peanut (pages 6-9). Maria and Greg, you are doing Butter (6-9).

Read your sections, highlighting what you think are the important notes. If you need help or just want to double check to make sure that you got the best information, call me over so I can double check it.

Once you have read all of your sections, then you can DRAW your notes. You will draw each section on an index card for a total of three index cards.

Here is the one that I have already done for all groups:

PBJ SingleJust like I taught the class what each one of these pictures meant, tomorrow, you will teach your groups members the information, make a poster, and take a group test over the information (using your notes and text).