
Today, we finished Paradise Lost!

If you need a summary, try reading this by Shmoop! It may not be as fun as when I chop and screw it for you, but if you are lost, it should help!

We also watched the trailer and a snippet from the movie The Devil’s Advocate. It’s rated R, and while it’s not scary, it is pretty disturbing.

The assignment for the day is writing Satan’s Letter to his Girlfriend. You can find this either in BB (Go to Hell > Paradise Lost and you can find the file and the drop box).

letterThis is worth 40 points – 20 points will be based on your understanding of the text (did you read the story? Did you get the facts right?) and 20 points will be based off of your voice – does this have *personality* when I read it, or does it sound like you are just answering questions. This should like the character is really writing this letter! Have fun! See if you can demonstrate his sins (based off the Seven Deadly sin foldable we did).