Today was a pretty each day – you even had some time to finish your Deep Questions from yesterday if you haven’t gotten those done yet.

We started talking about which we’d rather: knowing WHEN we would die or knowing HOW we’d die – without any ability to change future events.

Then, we talked about grades – I’ll just post the slides that I put up.Slide4 Slide5 Slide6 Slide7 Slide8 Slide9 Slide10 Slide11Next, we watched two videos by the guys who did The Buried Life on MTV. This one is the trailer for their tv show, and this is a really deep TED Talk that the four guys gave in Rome.

We talked about the difference between a MEANINGFUL item and a COOL item – choose items that are meaningful to you. Here’s MY Bucket List!

Create your own account, create your OWN BucketList, and then copy/paste the web address to the Discussion board by creating a new thread.

I’ll be grading this on having a AT LEAST ten meaningful items. Try to think of things that YOU want to do before you start borrowing from other people.